
Friday, December 28, 2007

So Much to Do...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

10:12 PM - So Much To Do
Current mood: tired
Category: Life

I can't believe how much I have to do before I can take off for a long deserved weekend away with Mr. Waddles... man alive... the laundry has piled up since I've been traveling so much for the past 4 weekends... I'm about half way through the edits and changes to Sara's bridals... the laundry needs folded and put away... the house needs cleaned before Jim's visit next week... I still haven't packed (thank goodness my office is a two second drive from the house)... did I mention the laundry doesn't seem to be doing itself???? I hate doing laundry almost as much as I hate invoices and preparing them... that's on the list to get done soon too... guess that means the laptop will be coming with me this weekend... so much for a 'relaxing' weekend away... oh well... there's always next week... maybe I can convince Waddles to cook dinner and do my laundry ;)

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