
Saturday, December 29, 2007

Survey in Which I Learned Way Too Much...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

2:19 PM - Survey in Which I Learned Way Too Much...
Current mood: bored
Category: Romance and Relationships

about my 'little' brother... but here it goes because it looked like fun :)

1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with?
I can honestly say - NO

2. Sex in the morning, afternoon or night?
what about in between times???? (too good of an answer not to change)

3. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
I woke up last night having turned so that my feet and head were hanging off the sides of the bed... so I guess all over is a good answer... but when Jim's in the other side I generally get stuck on the left side of the bed... which sucks... but it's worth it :)

4. Pork, beef, or chicken?

5. Have you ever had to pull over on the side of the road to puke?
Not since last January.

6. Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?

7. Shower or bath?
Who has time for a bath? Shower.

8. Do you pee in the shower?

9. Mexican or Chinese?

10. Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed?
a nice combination of both...

11. Do you love someone on your friends list?
Not in the way this survey is referring to love.

12. Do you know all the people on your friends list?

13. Love or money?
Love, I'd rather be broke and poor.

14. Credit cards or cash?
Cash - all the time - I don't have any credit cards - I try to live my life debt free.

15. Has there ever been anyone in your family you wish wasn't?
That's a loaded question and one that would take years of therapy for me to answer :)

16. Would you rather go camping or to a 5 star hotel?
5 star hotel.

17. What is the weirdest place you have had sex?
I can't say that we've really been that courageous... ;) Now, I've made out in some awfully freaky places... but that was a long, long, long time ago... way before Jim...

18. Would you shave your entire body (including your head) for money?
This is where Jim answers yes, but I say no.

19. Have you ever been to a strip club?

20. Ever been to a bar?

21. Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club?
Girls don't get kicked out of bars :)

22. Ever been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere?

23. Kissed someone of the same sex?

24. Favorite drink?

25. Had sex in a movie theater?

26. Had sex in a bathroom?

27. Have you ever had sex at work?

28. Have you ever been in an "adult" store?
Who hasn't passed through Evanston and stopped? Or Carnations in Idaho Falls... I think we all have... ;)

29. Bought something from an adult store?
Of course.

30. Have you been caught having sex?

31. Does anyone have naughty pics of u?
Yes *blush*

32. Who do you think has the guts to repost this?
Maybe Blake... but aside from that... nobody else...

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