
Monday, February 18, 2008

I got Tagged...

Blake tagged me... because he has a death wish or something I'm sure... so... here it goes...

Here's how you play: Once you've been 'tagged', you have to write a blog of 10 weird / random facts/ habits/goals about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names and WHY you chose them. Don't forget to leave them a comment (You’re IT ! ) and to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you, since you can't tag me back - let me know when you've posted your blog so I can see your answers.

1 ) Hello, my name is Tara Ann and I am a Mt. Dew addict/purest. If I'm going to drink a pop, I refuse to drink anything but Mt. Dew... you cannot fool me with Mellow Yellow. I will not choose a cola if they do not have Mt. Dew on their menu. I may, on occasion, order a lemonade in place of a Mt. Dew but would rather drink tepid tap water than grace my lips with a Pepsi or a Coke. On this note I generally will only frequent restaurants who serve Pepsi products :) BTW... should a Mt. Dew executive read this blog (yeah right, who in the hell am I trying to kid...) please stop f*cking around with my Mt. Dew. It sells itself. You do not need to add orange, grape, cherry, whatever to your product...

2 ) I have a shoe addiction. Yesterday, for no good reason other than I thought they looked adorable, I bought not just one but two pairs of sneakers... it's an obsession I tell you!

3 ) I love Mexican food. But I have an unordinary amount of food allergies and have to worry about cross contamination at a lot of places I eat at so I generally will not wonder far from my simple order of a shredded beef chimi.

4 ) Speaking of food... I didn't learn that there were these amazing treats called fried cheese wantons until I was 29. Now I crave them 24-7 like a mad pregnant woman... seriously... my mouth is watering just thinking of them...

5 ) I have been poked, prodded, tested, quarantined, hospitalized and examined more times than I care to recount. I was quarantined twice before the age of 8. At 18 I had a spinal tap. From the ages of 18-23 I had more ct scans and blood work ups than I can recall. I've been hospitalized at least four times in my life. I've taken more rides in an ambulance than I care to admit. I once was on so many meds that I was a "grade 4 zombie" and couldn't drive my own vehicle... and I have lost count of the number of IVs I've had...then last month I found out that Mr. Waddles in his 37 years of existence had never once had an IV or stayed the night in a hospital... that's when I discovered that this was not normal (not that I thought it was, but I figured at least everyone had had an IV at one time or another...)

6 ) I have a birthmark on my upper left thigh that sits at the top of my bikini line (sorry... I've got to paint a picture for you so you get what makes it so random/weird...) So picture the mole at the left top side of this --- lvl --- you get the picture now... at any rate... up until the age of about 10 or so I had no problem hiking up my skirt and showing the world this beauty mark... lucky for you I've got a bit more modesty now so I'll only paint you a picture and not post one for your enjoyment :)

7 ) And as long as I'm sharing way too much personal information with ya'll you might as well know that I skipped wearing a training bra. Not because my mom waited too long to get me into a bra... nope... because I went straight to a 'normal' bra at the wonderful age of 8... yep... third grade... amazingly my now 38DD is the smallest set in my immediate family...

8 ) My other addiction... beauty products. There's enough shampoos, conditioners, eye shadows, foundations, eye liners, etc., in my house to put on a small production... I kid you not... I know this because I actually did... one year I donated my time and extra makeup to do the faces/etc., for the Pioneer Pageant in Star Valley... sad but true... I had to throw most everything out once I was done and now have replaced it all... three times over...

9 ) I have more guy friends than girl friends. Always have and probably always will. I come off as a high maintenance prissy girl, but truth be told... I've always just been one of the boys. Sounds cool doesn't it? It's not as cool as you think. See it was alright in say high school, but then those boys grew up and got married and their wives just don't appreciate the fact that I'm just a friend. There are several friendships I would love to reinstate but I don't think it is possible at this point and sadly now I don't know where most of the boys have ended up at.

10 ) I have to keep at least a thousand dollars in my checking account or I feel like I am "broke" and start to worry about my financial situation. By the same token, I do not have any credit cards (save it be my one lonely LB store credit card) and live purely off of what I have in my checking account.

11) (I know... it didn't ask for 11... but here it is...) I can't have a decent night's sleep unless I talk to Mr. Waddles right before I close my eyes.

As for the people I'm tagging...

1 Camie because she's the only other person who reads my blog.

2 Ted because he gets insomnia and has nothing better to do.

3 Heather because Blake didn't tag her and so she's free game :)

4 Tosha because she never fills these out and needs to once in awhile...

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Teddy, Lyn'l, Kindra, Janae, Liza, and Kelli because I never really got a chance to know them that closely in high school and would love to hear some random things about them too!

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