Email from me to the bossman:
I was working on transferring your palm data to your outlook data. I’m at a standstill right now. I really thought it would be quite easy, but apparently it’s a little harder than I thought. I didn’t think to export the information first and instead jumped right into trying to import which apparently wasn’t the brightest move.
Don’t worry… yet… I lost all of your data (both Palm and Outlook – all emails and folders)… Todd is trying to recapture the images from your hard drive… he thinks that there is hope… let’s keep our fingers crossed… if he can’t get it you’ll find my office empty when you return… :)
~ T
Bossman's reply (hours and hours and hours later... and if you know me you know I was like a kid at Christmas waiting for his reply):
Just got it...april fools right!!!!!! Was stressing until it hit me. If not
don't worry, it will be like starting from ground zero...I have palm on my
hand held which is fairly current. Emails ??????????????
I decided to play nice at this point and let him off the hook and in on the joke. Thank goodness he has a great sense of humor :)
Ooohh, you are good! I didn't play any April's Fool's jokes yesterday, but I offered to take a pay decrease on an HOA that I run because the money is low & now I'm regretting it. Do you think it's too late to email an "April Fools" around to everyone? Your boss sounds AWESOME, by the way... thank goodness for bosses like that!
He totally rocks! And was a little more stressed then he lead on to believe - so much so that his wife called this morning to make sure I'd told him it was a joke already :)
Ouch... you're crazy! You should never, never, never cut your rates on bookkeeping... it's the one thing that can't be cut out of a budget and the HOA will always come up with the money (it's called a "Special Assessment")! I only tell you it this way because I've cut the end of my own nose off on my fees a couple of times just to find out that in the first place I was charging 1/2 of what they'd paid the accountant's office to do the same (if not lesser) work! You've got to figure in the time it takes you away from your "normal" life... which sometimes isn't worth the decrease at all :)
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