
Friday, June 6, 2008


Really, really, really struggling with the ex-wife of Mr. Waddles... every fight we've had for the past week has revolved around the psycho woman... and to top it off... as Mr. Waddles put it... we've fought more this week than we have our ENTIRE RELATIONSHIP...

My horoscope couldn't have come at a better time...

Your Horoscope for JUNE 06, 2008

You have unique talents, TARA ANN, though you do not always give yourself credit for them. You set extraordinarily high standards for yourself, and can be quite judgmental if you fail to meet them. Step back and try and look at the situation objectively. You have accomplished a huge amount. Any little setbacks you may currently be experiencing are just that--setbacks and not failure. Chin up, TARA ANN.
Still... struggling...

1 comment:

Teddy said...

GET AWAY for a while and if you need to go back to him, or if he brings you back to him, enjoy it and throw yourself back in, but while you can, even just for an hour. . . . Run!