I am sure that you've heard of "mommy blogging." It's the latest vogue thing to do. If my life hadn't been thrown onto a different path I am sure that's where this blog probably would've headed next... I love kids... kids. LOVE. me.
A couple of weekends ago my younger brother brought his kids up to visit at Grandma and Grandpa's. Unfortunately, Grandma already had plans... so Auntie was left in charge... Grandpa thought he was in charge, but we all know how that really works (if you don't keep reading to find out).
The weekend started out with kids who were a bit unruly because in their father's infinite wisdom he let them sleep the THREE hour drive to Grandma's... THREE hours after THREE p.m. .. he then proceeded to let them stay awake until THREE a.m. A.M. people! Should I mention that Auntie had finally spent a full week at work again (probably the first one in at least five weeks) and was exhausted before she drove what ended up being a two hour drive to Grandma's (thank you Friday commuter traffic... I do not miss that daily drive). The reward for the day? My little niece coming upstairs after her bath to cause mischief... I took one look at her and told her she looked like she was getting ready to play the Virgin Mary in a Nativity... and was given this beautiful grin:
A couple of weekends ago my younger brother brought his kids up to visit at Grandma and Grandpa's. Unfortunately, Grandma already had plans... so Auntie was left in charge... Grandpa thought he was in charge, but we all know how that really works (if you don't keep reading to find out).
The weekend started out with kids who were a bit unruly because in their father's infinite wisdom he let them sleep the THREE hour drive to Grandma's... THREE hours after THREE p.m. .. he then proceeded to let them stay awake until THREE a.m. A.M. people! Should I mention that Auntie had finally spent a full week at work again (probably the first one in at least five weeks) and was exhausted before she drove what ended up being a two hour drive to Grandma's (thank you Friday commuter traffic... I do not miss that daily drive). The reward for the day? My little niece coming upstairs after her bath to cause mischief... I took one look at her and told her she looked like she was getting ready to play the Virgin Mary in a Nativity... and was given this beautiful grin:

The next morning started early when this little man decided that despite going to bed at THREE in the morning he was ready to get up at SIX.
I'd be mad... but how can you be mad at a face like this:

After a hearty breakfast of French Toast and lots of Bacon...
And after the Christmas lights were hung on the front of the house (twice)...
Ted and the kids were off for a couple of short rides.
Little Kindra on the back of Buddy with her daddy. She's riding in the "buddy" seat I bought Kidd for his birthday six or so years ago. It was her first official time riding a horse... and she not only got to ride... but she got her own seat and stirrups!

Her little brother, T.J., wouldn't be outdone... so he pitched a fit until he got to get up with daddy too... don't worry, after a quick ride around the driveway they came back for shoes and a jacket.

And after a quick ride down the lane and back Ted, Uncle Kidd, and Grandpa dropped T.J. back off with Auntie... who thought that they were taking the horses back down to the pasture to unsaddle... they would come home a mere oh... THREE hours later (notice a theme here?) Giligan's Island was based on a THREE hour tour... hmmm... so maybe I should be glad they made it back home.
In the meantime, Auntie and Kindra made homemade banana bread using the best recipe of all time (the key is to double the amount of banana so that the bread stays moist longer).
Auntie changed T.J.'s diaper because daddy left knowing he was wet...
And despite the hundreds if not thousands of diapers I have changed in my lifetime...
I managed to put this one on backwards (when did they start putting the big character on the back of the diaper and not the front?). I thought it would be no big deal... what's the worse that could happen???
The worse that could happen is that while Auntie is washing the dogs in the kitchen sink she starts to smell a smell... but knows it's not the dogs because they're now clean...
And while the smell gets stronger and stronger Great Grandma awakes from her afternoon nap and needs help in the restroom...
And then Auntie finally tracks down the smell...
and it's coming from that little boy...
how does a smell that big come from such a little boy?
So now Auntie has two wet dogs running maniacly throuughout the house, one waiting Great Grandma, one sugar high niece, and one little boy running around with a BLOW OUT! Not to gross ya'll out... but he was coming out the top... and somehow managing to drop it out his pant legs too... rememeber the diaper that was put on backwards? It was being held in place by the front of his pants and ONLY the front of his pants...
Dogs... will have to stay wet.
Great Grandma... will have to wait one more minute.
Too many cups of chocolate milk niece... can chase the dogs until they are dry.
Little nephew... should be sprayed down by the local fire department... in their absense it was left to me...
Naturally their daddy showed up 20 minutes after the chaos and couldn't figure out why Auntie was exhausted... and Grandpa just laughed because he might have realized that NOBODY told Auntie THEY WERE GOING UP THE CANYON and not to the pasture... but remember... Grandpa was in charge ;)
Sounds like a normal day for me! It's great but can definately be exhausting. Glad you got to spend a day with the kiddos!
Nah, your house sounds like it's more organized than chaos... and like your kids have boundaries and rules... and probably a nap time or two!
All kidding aside, it was nice to get to spend the day with them. The last time I was able to see them was when Jim and I spent the 4th of July with them... so it had been too long!
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