Without knowing it I stumbled upon my unspoken motto...
Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says, "Oh crap, She's up!"
Some lucky individuals have been on the other side of my "passion" lately. They'll attest to the lengths I'll go to see my feelings and points are shown and made. But as one of them so kindly put it, when I apologized for being so zealous about my emotions after a several hour meeting and an emotional day, I don't have to apologize for being me and I should keep on being me.
So... devil be damned... and warned... I'm up... and the hens' roost is clacking...

P.S. This post was actually written last weekend and scheduled to post today, long before the comments left earlier in the week and actually first referenced a meeting held in January... but that same individual's comment to me then is just as correct this month and this week... I make no apologies for being myself and having my own opinions and not being afraid to state them... it is after all, one of the many characteristics I have that Jim loved and encouraged.
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