
Sunday, March 1, 2009

And the Countdowns Begin...

There are several BIG things happening this month...

A celebration.

A deadline.

A major purchase.

Just about in that order.

Excuse me while I go breathe into a paper bag.


Shan said...

Finding out Kmart has Mtn. Dew in stock, hurrying to get there before the store closes, and then buying the slimy stuff? :)

Tara Ann said...

If only I could actually walk into the K-Mart in Jackson anymore... let alone drive into the parking lot without having a panic attack :(

But that cold, hard, sad reality aside...

Things even bigger than that...

auggiedoggysmom said...

whoo hoo!!! Something you are actually looking forward to... Am hoping it makes you smile.

Sorry to hear you suffer from panic attacks.... I was house bound for nine months years ago because of them and still can't drive very far from home.

I'm hoping good things are coming your way, Lord knows you deserve something wonderful to happen to you.

Think about you often. Take care.

Tara Ann said...

lol... Auggie... I don't know that I'm really looking forward to any of it. Sadly, the "celebration" roles around every year whether I want it to or not ;)

The deadline is more stress and sadly the end result of a means to an end.

And the purchase... well, it's not a planned purchase (not at the moment anyway) and one that I would much rather have Jim's guidance on... But not to completely be a Debbie Downer... I am looking forward to not having to deal with a broken down vehicle anymore.

I'm sorry about your panic attacks. I couldn't imagine not being able to leave the house. Just not being able to go shopping in town is a major inconvenience for me. I know if I don't get over it THEY win... but until I can get past the fact that they bought the cellphone used to try and find Jim when they were in our backyard at that establishment... well I think it'll be a while before K-Mart sees much of my money again. But hey, look at all the money I'm saving???? Right?

Thanks for your thoughts. They remain, as always, needed. It's been a tougher couple of weeks than I've let on. They are still felt and still very much appreciated.