2. First horse ridden? I don't remember the name, but I remember a little Shetland pony... a little ornery pony... who bit hard.
3. First horse trotted on? Most likely the same pony.
4. First horse cantered on? Jenny, my Morgan.
5. First Horse fallen off of? Jenny... and it was a doozie...
6. Most recent horse fallen off? Every time I get off of Buddy I feel like I'm falling... he's soooo tall!
7. Most terrifying fall? Technically it wasn't a fall... but I was thrown by Smokey... word to the wise... don't straddle a down horses head... when they stand up it doesn't put you in a very good position... I thought for sure I was going to die.
8. First horse jumped with? Intentionally??? I've never been much of a jumper... but I've held on while Jenny hopped/bucked.
9. First horse who ran away with you? Crystal... the snotty Arabian.
10. First horse that scared the crap out of you? Buddy... he didn't become a gelding until he was up there in years and he still acts very much like a stallion at times.
11. First horse shown? I showed everything BUT horses... I couldn't stand the attitude of the horse people...
12. First horse to win a class with? See 11.
13. Do you/have you taken lessons? No.
14. First horse you ever rode bareback? I can't remember... I'm such a chicken that I really don't enjoy bareback...
15. First horse trail ridden with? Jenny and I would ride up over the dry farms after school... technically not a trail... but the closest thing at the time.
16. Current Barn name? I don't have a barn right now :(
17. Do you ride English or western? Western.
18. First Horse to place at a show with? See 11.
19. Ever been to horse camp? See 11... OH HELL NO!
20. Ever been to a riding clinic? See 11...
21. Ridden sidesaddle? Really never had the interest to.
22. First horse leased? I've never leased a horse.
23. Last Horse Leased? See 22.
24. Highest ribbon in a show? I'm assuming they want a horse answer here... See 11... however, I did place Reserve Grand Champion with a pig once ;)
25. Ever been to an 'A' rated show? Nope. See 11.
26. Ever competed in pony games/relay races? Does seeing who can stay on the longest without crying while following my stepdad up the deer trail count?
27. Ever fallen off at a show? See 11.
28. Do you ride Hunter/Jumpers? No.
29. Have you ever barrel raced? Not intentionally. There was this small pasture I had to ride in in Utah and that was pretty much the only pattern that would give the horse a workout...
30. Ever done pole bending? Nope.
31. Favorite gait? Trot.
32. Ever cantered bareback? Nope.
33. Have you ever done dressage? No.
34. Have you ever evented? No..no desire there.
35. Have you ever mucked a stall? Several...
36. Ever been bucked off? Just the once... up on the dry farm all alone... otherwise... I've managed to stay on... even when I've stupidly thrown the reins... or as the horse hops down the hill... I've been pretty lucky thus far.
37. Ever been on a horse that reared? Yes. And the last time Buddy did it he damn near knocked me into unconsciousness.
38. Horses or ponies? Horses.
39. Do you wear a helmet? No.
40. What's the highest you've jumped? How high could Jenny hop?
41. Have you ever ridden at night? Yes... but not usually on purpose...
42. Do you watch horsey television shows? Sometimes.
43. Have you ever been seriously hurt/injured from a fall? Not too bad.... a small tailbone fracture from getting dumped in the farmer's field... I've done worse walking across the street.
44. Most falls in one lesson? Never had lessons.
45. Do you ride in an arena/ring? Nope. No need to where we live.
46. Have you ever been trampled by a horse? No, but Buddy has come awfully close a few times...
47. Have you ever been bitten? Yes... more than once... and it hurts!
48. Ever had your foot stepped on by a horse? Oh God yes.
49. Favorite riding moment? The ride we were on where I was on Smokey and I had Kidd Ray in his own saddle behind mine (about 4 years-old at the time)... the three horses got up on the side of the shale rock ridge (we were bringing up the rear and my stepdad was leading)... and there was a fallen tree blocking the steep trail... Smokey had had enough and he decided to turn around (on the side of the drop down) and high tale it for the bottom of the mountain... and finally came to a stop at the bottom after going through the low branched pine trees... and neither Kidd or I fell off!
50. Most fun horse you've ridden? Ohhhh... don't make me choose... that's like asking a mother to pick a favorite child...

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