Today is my Mom's birthday!
Happy birthday Mom :) Thanks for being there every step of the way with me... for supporting us throughout the years... for believing in us... and for all the hours you've spent being by my side through this time in my life.
I don't say it often enough, but I know you know I love you :)

1. What is something mom always says to you?
2. What makes mom happy?
Not much. (This was asked on a typical 9 y.o. boy day in which he'd been in trouble quite a bit!)
3. What makes mom sad?
When she thinks about Papa (her father who passed away).
4. How does your mom make you laugh?
Cheesey movies.
5. What was your mom like as a child?
I don't know! I wasn't there when she was a child.
6. How old is your mom?
You know that... like 51? (She's turning 50 today).
7. How tall is your mom?
Not very tall.
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Paint the house.
9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
Work... but I really don't think that because she wiggles her nose and gets it done.
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for????
Because she has special talents... she's a psych person.
11. What is your mom really good at?
Yelling at me to wrestle.
12. What is your mom not very good at?
Playing Wii.
13. What does your mom do for her job?
She takes care of me and dad.
14. What is your mom's favorite food?
Mexican Food.
15. What makes you proud of your mom?
She is not afraid to be herself at times.
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Marge Simpson; because that's her favorite Simpsons character (*note: I know for a fact our mother hates the Simpsons*).
17. What do you and your mom do together?
We play GOLF (card game), we watch late night television together and eat popcorn and ice cream sundays.
18. How are you and your mom the same?
We have blonde hair. We both have a sense of humor that my dad doesn't understand.
19. How are you and your mom different?
Mom has a different sense of style than I do.
20. How do you know your mom loves you?
Because she says I love you every night... LOUD... so that means she loves me.
21. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?

That is just too cute!
I can be happy...
When my hubby's happy
When my kids are happy
With intellectual discussions
Happy endings
Creating oil paintings
Helping others when they help themselves
Funny commercials
Talk radio
Money in the bank
Food in the pantry
Hay in the barn
Thanks and Love & blessings!
Thanks Cami!
Mom - I think you'd told him he had to do his chores before he could play with the Wii... so he was in a "mood" :) We know those make you happy... but he couldn't see past the end of his 9 y.o. nose :)
Great tribute to your Mom. I'm wanting to see you as a blonde now:)
Oh goodness no!!! My mom and my sister are both naturally blonde and have the coloring to pull it off... but I'm soooooo pale I couldn't even attempt it... eeek!
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