Thursday, January 25, 2007
9:02 PM - Do Taco Bell Proposals Count?
Current mood: mischievous
Category: Romance and Relationships
I have to wonder what goes on in a man's head... at Thanksgiving Jim was talking about the future - a lot - and waltzing in and out of the shower humming the wedding march... on our recent 'working' vacation (wherein he worked and I vacationed :D ) we were dining at one of Idaho Falls finer establishmets a' la taco bell when, like a little kid, he slides me a fire sauce packet across the table... he's grinning from ear to ear so I flip it over to read "will you marry me?"
Now, I know he wasn't serious because... well... we're still working on a couple of logisitics in our life... but that hasn't kept me from reminding him everyday of his playful little move... still... it makes a girl wonder... does it count? And an even bigger question... could it be closer than I think????
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