
Friday, December 28, 2007

Top Ten Reasons it is NOT Okay to Text Me

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

9:07 AM - Top Ten Reasons it is NOT Okay to Text Me
Current mood: pissed off
Category: Life

10. I can't text you back... Plain and simple. I've had my cell phone number since well before most of you were freshman in high school... there are just somethings that aren't possible for numbers off of the old switch and I am unwilling to change my number and my number can't be ported because technically it's a landline number.

9. I've asked, and asked, begged, and pleaded with the group of you for TWO years now to NOT text message me... now I'm just getting pissed...

8. I really don't find it an appropriate source of my hard earned money to be nickled and dimed to death with stupid ass forwards that resemble the same emails that are in my inbox for free. Enough said.

7. A mass salutation of Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy Pick Your Own Nose Day, etc., is not personal and means nothing to me. If you really wanted to wish me one of those you'd send a card, an email, leave me a comment, or heaven forbid... dial my number. Any moron can 'select all' and send a mass text.

6. Did I mention I've already asked all of you not to?

5. I reserve being nickled and dimed to death for the important text messages from my family. That means I would so much rather have a cute picture of my brother, neice, nephew, sister's dogs, than a lame ass message informing me of an activity I have no interest in attending. For that reason alone I do not just completely disable the capability on my phone.

4. I'm not interested in attending any of the following: boring, constantly starting late and run too long, not well planned, attended by people who I have nothing in common with, YSA activities. I'd rather not even hear about the activity, let alone pay fifteen cents (plus tax) everytime somebody decides their numbers have been low and hits 'send all' on their cellphone. I was fine not being in the loop all summer, please unsubscribe me from your lists.

3. Again, have I mentioned that I've asked more than politely to not be texted??

2. Those same activities, a few take a bit more planning than the announcement I get at 9 a.m. for the activity that starts at 5:30 p.m. at your house. If you wanted me there to start with, you'd make a more personal effort than sending me an akward text 8 hours before the event.

1. Because I have said on more than one occasion that I DON'T WANT TEXT MESSAGES from the Branch. Which should've been the only reason I had to give.

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