
Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Few More Memories

I know I keep coming back to our Oregon trip... but Jim was so happy on the trip and I have so many pictures from it.
This is a picture of Mulnomah Falls on the interstate where we stopped to take a break. We stood and watched the water for about half an hour. Just snuggled up (it was close to dark) enjoying the rush of the spray and each other's company. Jim loved the water as much I as I do.

Jim snuck a golf score card from the carts at the Salishan... I still have it in my memento box
(he used to tease me about keeping everything).

The two of us trying to take a picture by ourselves. Why we never thought to ask someone else so that both of our heads are in a picture together... who knows...
Notice the "Nortel" hat...
Jim was such a company man :)

I have had this picture for 2 and a half years and not until today did I notice the double rainbow. The colors were so bright in the larger rainbow that Jim suggested we stop and take a picture of it (I know... I couldn't believe it either!). When I was processing through pictures this afternoon the second rainbow came out.
I know that he is not far away looking down on me and smiling...
I just wish he didn't have to leave yet.
Selfishly, I need him around a little bit longer.

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