According to the gal that Tracy received the award from the translation of the award is "This blog invests and believes, in the proximity"[meaning, that blogging makes us 'close' -being close through proxy].
I am very blessed to have a handful of close friends irl who have some pretty amazing blogs as well... and a handful of new blogger friends that I've never met but feel so close to through their amazing talents and blogs! I'm chosing tonight to pass the award along to those friends I've known in real life... their blogs remind me that no matter how far from Star Valley we all travel, no matter where our lives take us, no matter what drops in the path before us... we'll always be connected through the friendships we forged so many years ago... thank you guys for being there for me when I was that gangly new girl in class... and for sticking with me all these years later...
Okay, I'm supposed to pass this award on to eight (8) people so... here we go...
1 and 2. Teddy Anne who can not only be found here but here as well (check out her family's amazing talents!) Teddy is a shining star of her own rights... with a penanche for great story telling... she doesn't know it yet but when I get to a better place on my healing journey I'm expecting her to sing some of the songs I write ;)
3. Kelli and her tales of her growing family will bring a smile to your face. She's got two kids who keep her on her toes... and a third one on the way!
4. Dena is roughing it without internet at home right now, but when she posts she always has a doozie or two to enjoy... what with her son and a passle of stepkids (sorry Dena... I can't keep track of how many...).
5. Emily has always had a nack for saying what is on her mind and writing amazing movie reviews... now she does it with two kids in tote...
6. Christina makes being a stay-at-home mom look like a cake walk... and she does it all without aging a damn day... honestly... she looks as young as she did the day we graduated... and I'm not about to tell you how long ago that was...
7. Camie's blog header says it all: Our family. We're a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding cereal, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.
8. Shan's blog is going to be amazing once he gets it up and running... hopefully by the time you all see my post he'll have his first post up... head over and give him some blog love... and some encouragement... he's flipping amazing and has a lot going for him and gives me a lot of hope on the days when I'm freaking out over what to do next... his strength and endurance to battle with his own medical issues will astound you... I know they have for me!
And finally tonight, the view from my parents' front yard this morning:

If you're north of I-80... enjoy Fall while you can... there's snow on the other side of this mountain... and the snow up where I live just dropped to the 7,000 foot range this afternoon... Old Man Winter... here we come...
Thanks chica, and gorgeous pic by the way! We're so lucky. . . .
i am glad that you liked it! i will have to check out your links to the others. Gorgeous view, BTW!
Thanks for the award & listing those other fun blogs -- you're right about Christina! She looks amazing! Beautiful SV picture.
Takes skill to have an award winning blog before posting anything like I do. Thanks. :)
Wow, what a beautiful picture! Oh, how I miss such views. Thanks, by the way! You're the sweetest!!
Oh my gosh, thank you so much for the compliments and saying I haven't aged. I could say the same of all of you, you all look like you are 18 also! And believe me, being a SAHM isn't a cake walk and I'm the first to admit it isn't easy. Just like memories of High School, I just try to block out the negative parts...
Awww... thanks everyone :) You're all the best!
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