Alright, Camie tagged me awhile back... so... I've been tagged. Here's how you play: Once you've been 'tagged', you have to write a blog of 7 weird / random facts/ habits/goals about yourself. At the end choose 6 people to be tagged, listing their names. You can't tag the person who tagged you, since you can't tag me back - let me know when you've posted your blog so I can see your answers.
7 Random things:
1. When I was young I wanted to grow up to be a biology teacher. I changed my declared major on the first day of classes to Recreational Management with an emphasis in Administration and my minor to Animal Sciences. I got college credit for interning at my second dream job... as a 4-H extension agent... yep... high maintenance me fought my way into the boys club to chase around cattle and babysit teenagers. Come on... did you really think my calling was as a homemaking extension agent... ;)
2. I am a freckled freak. My arms... hands... thighs... cheeks... nose... are all telling of my Irish ancestry... see photo above of me on a light makeup day a/k/a no foundation/breather Saturdays.
3. I once quit my job as a legal assistant to go to cosmetology school... yep... I'm a beauty school drop out who never technically started... long story... and I would have never been able to do it all without Mr. Waddle's support. Lucky for me this "wise" decision only lasted for two months before I went back to work for Bossman No. 1 in a different capacity at a different office :) Thank God for Mr. Waddle's sincerity and patience...
4. At the same time I was running around the state of Utah visiting every fairground known to mankind... I spent my spare time working as a telephone operator. Yep... I have a face made for radio/phone operation ;)
5. I can cook but I can't bake. Contrary to popular belief there is a distinct difference between the two... and unfortunately I can only cook for a family of 10... I have no idea how to scale down my impromptu recipes... it's sad.
6. I am 30 and have no clue how or when that happened...
7. I can trip over the smallest speck of dust around. Walking down the boardwalk last year about this time of year with Mr. Waddles by my side I took a header on the square... Jim stepped down the stairs... I somehow missed them all and walked right off the walkway... and came to a stop with my ice cream in one hand and my purse in the other hand... skinned knees... ripped pants... and a boyfriend who was trying his best not to pretend he wasn't with me ;) Just last weekend I took a header down the stairs at my parents' place... landed on the second landing doing the splits with one leg up above my head... damn lucky I didn't end up with a spiral break. And yet they let me out of the house on a daily basis without my helmet :)
This is where I tag people... but I don't feel like calling anyone out tonight... so just play if you want to... and let me know so I can check out your answers...
Also... Shan posted this and I felt like playing along... so...
Four Things
A) Four places that I go to over and over: Work, Post Office, Bank, and Home... damn... I'm pretty boring...
B) Four people who e-mail me: Bossman No. 1, Bossman No. 2, my mother, and Amazon.com ;)
C) Four of my favorite places to eat: Burke's Chop House, Rendezvous Bistro, Calico, and Taco Bell.
D) Four places I would rather be right now: Since I'm finally home the easier answer is NO WHERE ELSE... but since that's not how this game is played... how about Ireland, Scotland, Greece, and hmmmm... maybe Spain?
E) Four who I think will respond: Teddy, Camie, Lyn, DoTerra
F) Four TV shows I watch: Grey's Anatomy, The Mentalist, Army Wives, and Headline News.
G) Four things I have a difficult time living without: Jim... Jim's voice several times a day... hugs and snuggles from Jim... and (Mom and Pam close your eyes) my intimate moments with Jim.
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