I set a resolution to post a blog every day for one entire month... and so to make sure I would get it done I picked January... and as of this moment right now... there's a post for every day of the month of January... 31 consecutive blog entries... some happy... most sad... all a true account of the things happening in my life right now.
Thanks for sharing the ride with me... but now I'd like to know who some of my passengers are... I see the stats... so I know that there's more than the 4 people who comment reading... go ahead... don't be shy... I'm actually quite friendly... and the dogs won't bite... and even if they did... they got their rabies shots this month...
So... go ahead, introduce yourself... who knows... there might, sort of, kind of, maybe if I remember, be something in it for you... like a blog give away...

Ha, you're funny. I'm proud of you. I could not post every day, my life is far far too boring...anyway YAY! for you!
We're all proud of you and know that you will continue to do great things with your life.
You must watch this!! It is about a Silent Killer: Inflammatory Breast cancer. IF you have never heard about it, you are not alone.
I'm proud of you... for getting out of bed each day... for trying to carry on with your life.. it's got to be so hard and you did it!!! Way to go... I'm sure this is a great outlet for you and I appreciate you letting me ride with you on your journey.. I hope you keep on keeping on... remember Feburary only has 28 days! With love...
Thanks everyone :) I wasn't intentionally soliciting compliments... but I'll take 'em.
Camie - you've got the best ammo ever to post daily with... (helpful hint, use the post options to publish at a later date... then you can write more than one a day and have them spaced over several days)... your life isn't boring at all!
SV - thank you for the PSA... next time warn me first because I was trying to eat when I watched it...
Auggie - I am so glad that this year February only has 28 days! I loved peeking in at your blog too... you should post more often! ;)
Congrats! February should have one more day in it this year for sure. ;)
I needed a Dr. Pepper after reading Camie's blog post & I don't even drink the stuff. Sounds like nonstop excitement happens in northern Wyoming. :)
lol - that's okay Shan... February had an extra day last year and look where that got me...
That's great you made your goal of posting everyday, I can barely keep up with doing it once a week. I am a regular lurker on your blog, thanks for keeping it honest and real.
Hello, I have been lurking nfor several months now. I'm sorry you and others have been going through such a painful time.
Thanks Christina and Wendy.
Christina - ditto my advice for Camie... it works wonders! And as for honest and real... thanks for making it through it all... only about a tenth of what I think and feel actually gets expressed here because I'm afraid the other 90% scares me and would scare ya'll too.
Wendy - thanks for delurking and thank you for your condolences. My family has had a difficult time through all of this. The actions of those responsible have effected the lives of so many innocent people.
Yes they have. I wish someone had stopped them.
Yes they have. I wish someone had stopped them.
I wish someone or someones would have stopped them too, God knows there were plenty that aren't in jail that knew of the idea... and if not these at least 3 individuals (who aren't behind bars) than at least themselves (the 3 incarcerated at the moment)after their first failed attempt when they came to our neighborhood and home looking for Jim. Then he'd still be here... and I'd no longer be the Future Mrs. Waddles, but The Mrs. Waddles.
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