This little white board has been around for almost a decade.
Eight years ago my mother was visiting my home and wrote, "I am loved" on him when I wasn't looking.
A few days later, Jim added the "yes you are <3" and because I'm such a sentimental nerd I never erased it... I left it up until I moved from that home to my next... and every time he saw it he would laugh and poke me...
Then I reached a point where I was on the move and sharing a residence with a roommate and little piggy was packed away... then the condos I moved into were rather small and there wasn't much room to bring him back out again... well, that and the box he was in was with all the other pig paraphernalia and he was almost forgotten about...
That was until Jim and I moved into the bigger condo and were unpacking... and there was a place in the kitchen to put the ceramic pigs back out... so Jim went to get the box so he could hand the pigs up to me because I was already up on the step stool... when he opened the box and saw the note he turned the darkest crimson I've ever seen, grinned that big contagious grin, and declared, "Goddamnit! You never got rid of that?" chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, snicker
I laughed with him and told him I would never get rid of it... just like I never got rid of any of his other love notes... that he'd be staring at that whiteboard for a very long time and he'd be better off just getting used to it...
And right now, I can't even begin to tell you how it warms my heart every time I walk in the kitchen and see "yes you are <3" scrolled out in his hand handwriting.

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