Said child now declares that he has a joke for me... and so the conversation ensues...
Kidd: What has 6 legs, 2 arms, 4 eyes, and a tail?
Me: Kidd holding a dog.
Kidd: No! You're wrong (those are fighting words...). It's a horse with a rider.
Me: True, but my answer is still right.
Kidd: No it's not.
Me: Yes it is. Think about it.
Kidd: Nope, still not right.
Me: Let me break it down for you... how many legs do you have?
Kidd: Two.
Me: And how many legs does a dog have?
Kidd: Four... (starting to look a little perplexed at this point and the creases in his forehead are getting deeper).
Me: And how many arms do you have?
Kidd: Two (it starts to dawn on him about now).
Me: Do you have a tail?
Kidd: No!
Me: Does a dog?
Kidd: UGH!!!! YOU'RE. ALWAYS RIGHT. Even when you're wrong, you're right!
Me: Yep. Don't forget that.
Visit home: $60
Lunch: $50
Look on a boys face when he realizes that women are and will always be right: Priceless.

and your blog today.... priceless too!
forgot to say, that's one phrase I use a lot that my great grandmother used to say... after thinking about it for awhile, I've been wondering what the origin is, but I'm afraid to ask...
I tried to find the origin, but I wasn't too successful... but wow... your great grandmother... I've been told I have an old soul... I suppose that's proof enough ;)
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