Yesterday morning, I woke up to the sound of hooves stampeding past the bedroom window... but being a little hazy from six months lack of sleep I figured I better go and confirm that the horses were out before I woke up the rest of the house for help... so I did what any other good Wyoming raised cowgirl does... I ran upstairs and outside barefoot in my yoga pants and thermal shirt and without my jacket... looked around... walked off the porch and into the driveway... looked around and didn't see or hear any horses where they belonged. Not in the pasture and not around the house. So I ran back up the stairs and told Kidd to go alert the parents that the horses were out. On my way back into the house I realized it was a bit nippy
About ninety minutes later I was loading up the car to leave and pulling out of the driveway when I noticed that the outside temp gauge in the car read NEGATIVE SEVEN DEGREES...
So it will be no surprise when I get a cold... barefoot in Wyoming in January may be tough... but it's not necessarily the smartest...
Been there:) You go Tara! Nothing like the horses getting out to get you hoppin' in the morning. Better horses than steers though:)
Amen to that Teddy!
I don't know about that ladies... seems like the steers always mosey through the yard (with the exception of the one that I had that ran off from the old fairgrounds and up the canyon by Fromes...) and they make a lot of noise while they're doing it... whereas before you know what's hit you the horses are down in the neighbors' yards... and all you heard was the sound of the thunderous hooves running past the window... :)
Horses may be louder, but steers take longer to round up again, according to my experience (which is extensive;)
lol... that's because steers are so "bull"headed... ;)
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