And every so often I get this incurable craving for them... it's horrible... it's a craving only akin to that during pregnancy... we're talking, get the hell out of my way I need a chicken wing type of craving here...
Such was the case as I drove over to Idaho Falls last Saturday... so when I rolled into town I called by "big brother" Kevin to see if he wanted to meet me at Wingers for a late lunch/early dinner before he went to work... he's always up for a free meal so of course he said yes... and I was really, really, really craving the Wingers amazing wing sauce... but...
In the back of my mind I had this scene from the last time that Jim and I were there... it wasn't pretty... the service sucked... and I don't mean just a little... it was soooo bad that we left without even ordering... after sitting there for 15-20 minutes without our order being taken in a nearly empty restaurant... I actually had to go into the kitchen to track someone down to ask for a manager and then to let them know we were leaving without being served (I should mention... WE DIDN'T SEAT OURSELVES!)... we ended up down the street at TGIF where they had much better service and even gave me a free dessert for Mother's Day and a coupon to use on our next visit because they "messed up" our order (they were out of the cute little slider patties and had to make some from scratch)... looking back now the fact that Wingers was empty on Mother's Day should've been our first clue...
I called to speak with the manager on Monday morning thinking that surely they would want to rectify the situation and make good on the horrid experience we had... boy was I ever wrong. She not only didn't seem to care, but actually acted surprised when she asked what she should do about it and I suggested that any other business would have offered to comp our next meal in an effort to keep us happy and coming back... she laughed...
So back to Saturday... it hasn't improved... at all... Kevin and I did get served... eventually... in a near empty restaurant... again... our waitress took so long to come back over with our drinks that by the time she got there we not only knew what appetizer we wanted but were ready to order as well... I went ahead and had her take our order while she was at the table for fear of her not returning (Kevin had to be to work soon)... HUGE. MISTAKE. As Kevin was commenting that it was taking a long time for our appetizer to come out the other waitress overheard him and went to get our waitress who then promptly came out with our appetizer... and she was just as promptly (as in right on her heels) followed by our entrees... yep. Every time (who the hell am I kidding... the two times and that included the once she actually brought the original drinks out) she replaced our drinks we had to ask for a straw... I asked for a raspberry lemonade (because I'm allergic to strawberries) and received... yeah, you guessed it... strawberry. Kevin asked for a Diet Coke (because he's diabetic) and received... a regular Coke... and she actually gave us a snide look when we asked for her to bring the right drink out... we were there for over an hour and the majority of the time was spent waiting on food and drinks... but you bet your sweet ass she brought that check out in a hurry.
So to anyone who is googling the Wingers in Idaho Falls, Idaho and to anybody who lives in this general area and reads my blog... I HIGHLY, STRONGLY, CANNOT SAY IT ENOUGH... DO NOT RECOMMEND THE WINGERS IN IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO... DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME... AND CERTAINLY DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY... go down the street, across the street, or even next door... there's plenty of other choices and restaurants in town.
P.S. Kevin, sorry, my insane wing sauce craving kept me from telling you how bad the service was the last time I was there... that and I really had hoped that it was a fluke... but after seven months it appears it's not a fluke, but apparently their new standard.
P.S.S. I'd call and bitch about it, but I learned the first time that the manager just doesn't care any more than the staff does

Hi Tara... I must let you know, if there's a Walmart in the area, go to the deli and get a container of "spicy chicken wings".... they are awesome... been to wingdingers, wingers, etc... and Walmart's are still the best.
Hope you are doing well, my friend... I read about the trial, wow, those people are in total denial... not guilty...whatever... I would bet dollars to donuts they were doing drugs of some kind... their story is something you would see on tv... normal people couldn't even think that shit up... Thinking of you daily and praying for healing...
p.s. you have inspired me to start blogging again... I just need some time to get started.... meanwhile, check out my sister's blog, I love the way she writes....
take care
The closest WalMart is 2 hours from here... but I might just have to keep that in mind for the next time I'm down in your area because there's only so many nights I can convince my mom to eat at the Chinese Garden while we are in town ;)
I have to make a clarification in your comment because there's already a few confused lurkers who have approached my family too - there hasn't been a trial yet, the trial dates were set at the arraignment (and then only Kristin Durgan's and Andy Tanner's, Brian Folsom appears before the Judge this Friday and we will hopefully have the third trial date set then). It's a minor technicality, but one that needs to be pointed out so that at the very least my family can get some reprieve from the local lurkers who are only gleaming the posts and not reading them in their context and then pretending they know all the facts in the case and bring the subject up in inappropriate places and venues(you being a local to the actual location and having access to the local papers know that I haven't posted very many specifics here on my blog and no real specifics about the arraignments last week at all other than to mention that her trial has been set for the same week they killed Jim).
Unfortunately, their plea entries came as no surprise. It's all part of how the system plays. As to the rest, I wish I could say more, but as it is I cannot at this time for fear of it being taken out of context and used in their defense. Just know that it will all come out in the next couple of months... and continue to pray that Jim and I are able to see a verdict that produces a true justice because there will be no healing until I am able to procure at least this much for Jim. He deserves it. I deserve it.
Congrats on blogging again! I can't wait to read about your latest happenings as well :)
Thanks again for all your prayers and thoughts, they continue to be felt and needed.
Good grief! I would have avoided the place after the first disaster. If a place here did that they wouldn't last five minutes!
As for that other thing, I've heard rumors about drug use but that is no excuse for what they did. Not that anyone here has said it is, I'm just stating the obvious.
The most shocking thing I read was that the nearest WalMart was 2 hours away - I thought WalMart had infiltrated the entire country, but maybe there is hope! I can get to 20 in less than 30 minutes and they're still trying to build more nearby. I'd be happy to send them your way if you'd like.
I'm so sorry if I said too much or said something the wrong way...
Give you and your mom a treat and stop by the Owl Cigar Store for a double double burger and malt the next time you are in town... It's a great place for lunch and has a wonderful history too... Look for a short guy with glasses and a tall guy that's just pretty both working the grill... the best piano player and guitar player in the state...
you'll smile, I'm almost positive
Oh Auggie, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound like you said too much - you most certainly did not. I just needed to clarify the word "trial" because it is the catchphrase of the day being thrown around in the community where my parents live by people who are just plain nosy and practically rude about their approach. That double burger sounds delicious! Are they open for dinner? Lunches tend to be a bit rushed when we're down there.
And just remember that rumors are just that rumors :) I can't confirm nor deny much at this point, only say that even sober and straight people can do things that we would think could only be done by those who are high... and remember this wasn't an isolated incident... it was very premeditated and began days before (if not months) so that would be one hell of a continuous high... logically speaking...
Wendy... I know, I know! I'll blame it on a lack of braincells left from an utter lack of sleep.
Minerva, yes, it's sad but true... the closest WallyWorld is a 90 mile drive that takes 2 hours (due to speed limits)... the second closest one is 3 hours south of here :) It's the price we pay to live in such a beautiful and remote part of the country :)
Thanks ladies for your comments! Please don't ever feel like you have to be guarded in what you say... I might have to be in my posts or my responses... but you still have every right to say what you want ;) And it makes me realize that I'm not crazy or alone in my thought process.
Thanks again,
Tara Ann
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