A) I ALWAYS have time for: shoe shopping :)
B) BEST Friend: Jim
C) My favorite COLORS are: Pink, Purple, Burgundy, Teal, and Royal Green
D) My DAD’S name is: Dallas
E) The EARLIEST I will wake up is: 8:00 a.m.
F) The last FLIGHT I took: Denver, Colorado to Jackson, Wyoming
G) Are you a GIVER or a TAKER: Giver
H) My HOME is: A big lonely condo.
I) My favorite ITEM of clothing is: Jim's blue striped polo shirt (the one he has on in just about every picture I've posted of him).
J) The JEWELRY i wear everyday is: The ring and watch that Jim picked out and gave me and usually a pair of gemstone earrings.
K) I want ___ KIDS: I used to have an answer for this blank, but my world has been turned over and I can't even imagine having children if Jim can't be the father.
L) LEMONADE or coke? Lemonade... unless "coke" is the generic for pop in which case it's always a Mt. Dew!
M) Month: Wow... there used to be so many... I'm going to settle for March I suppose... we'll see what this March brings...
N) I’ve NEVER: Been able to climb... a fence... or a tree...
O) I can OPENLY say that: I love Jim Durgan. I always have and I always will.
P) I am PARANOID of: Heights
Q) Quote: "If 'ifs' were fifths we'd all be drunk." Jim heard some comedian say this and it just kind of stuck... along with, "did you forget your helmet today?" (I know, we're so politically incorrect it's not funny, but there are times in your life where if you can't at least laugh at yourself then you're not going to make it through it... and God knows, we'd had our share of those times).
R) RAIN or sun? Rain
S) SLEEP in or get up early? Sleep in for a very long time...
T)Kissing with or without TONGUE? Depends. Before you get your panties in a ruffle understand that I live in an area where air kisses and cheek kisses are not uncommon ways in which people greet each other... so if it's a social kiss than no tongue... but if it's a kiss from Jim... then of course!
U) My favorite UNDERWEAR are: The turquoise pair with the little bows on the back.
V) My favorite VEGETABLE is: The potato.
W) I WORK at: An office. More particularly described as my office... with a door that closes... and sometimes will actually stay closed long enough for me to get something done behind said door!
X) Any X-RAYS? Too many to remember.
Y) YORKIE or poodle? Since I've got an aversion to my grandmother's devil dog, Cocoa, who was a poodle, I'll have to go with a yorkie.
Z) My ZODIAC sign: Pisces... yes... it's soon... I'll officially be a thirty-something... oy vey.

I stole this. ;)
Before or after I stole it from you? ;) Are you going to publish it this time?
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