I have to say, while I'm sad that I haven't had the opportunity in the last couple of years to directly cross paths with Jack Lewis, it is hard to see Jack leave Jackson. That being said, I am excited for the town of Salida and congratulate them in their choice of a new administrator. I met Jack while working at the in town law firm that represented his previous engagement and I can honestly say that he is one of the nicest men I have ever met. Not being able to interact with clients of his caliber was one of the things that made my decision to quit the firm so very difficult (because he was one of the clients for the other boss and not the one I went on to be the assistant for at his out of town office). He is very considerate in his interactions with all levels of staff and that says a lot about a person. Jack is very diligent and very thorough and in my biased opinion, just what Salida needs.
The town wasn't exactly what Jim had built it up to be... or what the local paper had either for that matter... Now, granted my recent visits through there have been skewered... but all that aside...When one reads the paper and sees the images in print you're lead to believe that it looks like a prized historic town... not the dilapidated railroad town it has become. Yes, I know you guys down there have all kinds of programs and events... but face it... drive through there on a week day or a weekend that doesn't revolve around FibArk and there's not much that sticks out and makes you think, gee... I want to come back here again. If you get off of F Street or miss the three Victorians on G Street there really isn't much besides dilapidated homes and trailers... the businesses on Rainbow Blvd (US 50) look like they could all use a fresh coat of paint...
Hopefully, Jack will be able to turn that around. (Word of advice Jack, start with a town beautification project! Then maybe we can quit hearing the local yocals and business people bitch and moan about where all the tourist have gone... just saying... I would rather go back to a town that had a warm inviting feeling to it than a town that makes me feel like I need to pull over and take a shower at the next KOA...)
I think the saddest part of all this though (besides my world being about oh ((this)) big) is that with Jack behind the helm at the local government level I would have felt more comfortable with Jim keeping the home down there because the town would have held more promise for a better tomorrow (cliche, I know, but I'm typing in a hurry... I do have real work to get done today). I never understood the attraction to the area in the first place given his job the remote location made no sense to me.
And yes, what a small world it is...

Seriously, I have lived in Salida for over 20 years! Sounds like you have some hurt feelings here. Salida is not a dirty town, so no need 2 hit the KOA for a shower. I knew Jim and there was a reason he chose to live here! Not only do we have the beautiful mountains around us to remind us daily how awesome god is, but it's also a quiet and peaceful town to raise your children in! What happened to Jim happens in everyday life, sad as it is. I'd taking any town in Colorado over Wyoming. Thought I'd set your comment and opinion straight, after all that is all that it is. To each there own, there is alot of people that live in this beautiful town that knew Jim and knew that he was a good father! So don't knock it till you've lived here and can appreciate the beauty that this town has, beauty is not in the buildings, or what houses are here, those are material things, the real beauty is in what god has created!
the picture on the mtn mail does not show of a historic town but a picture of the mountains and arkansas river! If you ever read the paper you would see that people do want to return, not only to visit but to live. This is a very friendly town, but you wouldn't know because you never lived here. Jim chose to raise his children here, because he seen something more than you would ever see! This whole town was crushed at what happened to Jim! Our prayers are with Beth & Andrew! There presence in our community is very well missed. Those two are the true victims in this whole thing, they didn't make choices, the choices were made for them. They are the innocent ones!
That's pretty funny comments.... They were crushed at what happened but were able to help cover the murder up..... Hmmm sounds like the place everyone wants to LIVE!! If you people had enough respect keep your opinions to yourself or better yet keep them on your blogs.
sox1122 - You are right, to each their own and since this is my blog - I am entitled to state my own opinion. I openly admitted that my view of Salida is skewered to the events that happened in my life And my own opinion is that my multiple trips to Salida from a "tourist" point of view was that it is not an inviting town to come and visit. And it was more than the buildings. I respect your pride in your community and appreciate your willingness to defend residing there.
Mt. – I will admit that while I do not have a paper subscription to the Mountain Mail, I do read the stories, headlines, editorials, and letters to the editor, as well as review the close (rarely wide angle) photographs that your local editor deems important enough to be linked on the front page of his website on a daily basis as has been my habit for the last several years.
To both comments:
If you truly knew Jim then you would understand how important spending time with his children was to him and Salida isn't exactly close to any of the major airports or highways… it is, however, a remote location away from the casinos. Until I understood the financial turmoil that Kris had created I never understood why he would pick somewhere that would knock 4-6 hours off of his time with his children when his weekends and time spent in Salida was so limited already.
As for there being a lot of people in the town that knew Jim... where were these people when Kris was hanging around with Andy? Where were these people for Jim's children when she was openly "sneaking" him into the house at night? Where were these people when Andy’s car was parked in the back alley? Why didn't any of THESE PEOPLE tell Jim that this character was being forced into the lives of HIS children? Where were these people when Kris was spending the evenings in the Burger King parking lot drinking with Andy while Jim’s children were left at home alone while Jim worked to continue to put a roof over their head, Kris’ head, and Andy’s head? Salida isn't a very large town. Word gets around. Where were you all when this was happening? Where were you when he was missing? So many concerned people and yet nobody went looking. His car was found in plain sight. IN PLAIN SIGHT ON A ROAD THAT SO MANY OF YOU PASSED ON YOUR WAY TO THE SWIM MEETS, ETC., THAT WEEKEND. Where were you for Jim and Beth and Andrew then?
What happened to Jim DOES NOT HAPPEN IN EVERYDAY LIFE and certainly not in small town everyday life. So how dare you say that on my blog. I grew up in a mix of large and small towns and in my 30 years I do not recall hearing of such a heinous occurrence.
Thank you for your continued prayers for Beth and Andrew. I am sure that THEIR presence in the community is missed. I have never tried to diminish their role in any of this, only to not advertise it to the World Wide Web. Yes, I know, I have mentioned them and I have written both of them letters for their birthdays, but aside from that I do try to recognize that they are still young and it is not my place to put their grief out there for the world to see. This blog is where I document my own grief and my own life. If you want to leave comments regarding the children or inquire about the children - contact Kris’ parents as they are the now legal guardians. Don’t stalk my blog in hopes of gleaming some news regarding them.
I DO NOT agree with your comments limiting the children to the only two TRUE victims and the ONLY innocent ones. None of us who have had our lives turned upside down made the choices or decisions that ended Jim’s life. Kris, Andy, and Brian made those decisions. KRIS, Beth and Andrew’s OWN MOTHER, made the decision.
Yes, the children are without a father.
But, Jim’s father has been left without a son.
Jim’s sister has been left without a brother.
Jim’s nieces and nephews have been left without an Uncle.
My little brother has been left without the man he looked up to.
Jim’s friends have been left without a confidant.
I have been left without my best friend, my everything, my future.
“Thought I'd set your comment and opinion straight, after all that is all that it is.”
I am sorry you have such a negative outlook on Salida. I can understand your bitterness towards a few who lived here, but please do not take it out on the town. Salida is actually a very quaint town with such natural beauty. It is one of the few places I have lived where I wake up most mornings and am in total awe of God's work. It is also a town of people who are supportive and caring. Reading through your blogs, I have noticed you have recieved support from people from Salida, people you will probably not meet, but people who have put you in their thoughts and prayers and have true sympathy for your loss. Please don't knock the town for the selfesh actions of a few.
Boy, I find it funny that people that have lived in one town their whole life and never visited the country or other countries could tell you how jaded your views are. Honestly, I did not see that you put anything bad about Salida in your blog, only mentioned things that look like they need some work and how your friend is going to be a positive influence for the town. "What happened to Jim happens in every day life, sad as it is." Good hell dude you living in movies such as Texas Chainsaw Massacre or one of the hellacious Saw movies? I have never heard of this type of insanity happening in anyones every day life! You may want to check into an asylum if this is how your every day life is! As for mine, I only know of one friend that has had to live through this and its a very dear friend of mine that you've decided to jump on her on her blog! Really people, to say there is only two victims in this, I had no idea that he only knew his two kids, that he had no friends, no parents, no co-workers, no brothers or sisters, man did he live in a box away from everybody and never came out? Man, I've never visited a place where people look so lightly over such a horrible act and actually attack one of the victims of such a savage insane act! I would never visit this place after seeing how the people that live there try to find somebody that has had a horrible experience there and attack them. If there was a way to bitch slap the idiots who have said such idiotic comments on here, trust me, I'd be glad to do it! Love Ya Tara!
CC: My stated observations in the original post were of the exterior of the town. Something that I feel could and should be addressed. I do recognize that the town is located in a beautiful area of Colorado. Something, if nothing else that I am grateful for as at the very least Jim’s last drive was through such an amazing canyon. I know this as it was beautiful when I drove through it the week after he took his final trip down US 50.
I did not (nor have I ever) attack the residents of Salida. I have done my best to always thank individuals and groups on my blog as well as off my blog who have been involved with this. Unfortunately, I do know that there are probably a lot of people that I will never meet from Salida who have not stepped forward in this forum who have kept all of us in their thoughts and for that I continue to be grateful. I am also thankful to those from Nathrop, Canon, and other surrounding areas who have had the fortitude to openly engage me. Before your comment there have only been two (2) other comments from Salida residents and one (1) of those was very negative. Despite the 518 hits my blog has received from the town of Salida between July and January of this year (and that’s not counting those with a Qwest provider).
I have lived here for over 25 years and I agree with you about how things here need to change. In face my family has been saying some of those same things for years. I hope the powers that be will be willing to listen, but I'm not holding my breath.
I grew up here, and it is a nice place to raise kids, until they graduate HS and can't wait to leave! I realize Salida isn't for everyone though, and I'm very sorry your memories and experiences haven't been better here.
Also, if that negative comment from Salida was from me I sincerely apologize.
Thanks Wendy :)
No worries, unless you also logged on as "Greg" over the summer, than the negative comment was not from you ;) I have a pretty good idea who that comment was from anyway... like I said, Salida is a small town... ;)
Nope, that wasn't me.
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