The gal hands it through the window and the outside is covered in strawberry syrup... I'm allergic to strawberries... so I should I have just stopped right there... but I figured there was a possibility that the contamination could be contained to the outside... took a sip... and sure enough... there was strawberry... so I flipped back around the corner and went into the McDonald's to have a talk with the nice guys behind the counter...
It went something like this...
Me: Hi. I ordered a vanilla shake and this shake has strawberry mixed in. It wouldn't be a problem except that I'm allergic to strawberry and I can't drink this shake. Can I please have a plain vanilla shake?
The man changing the lines on the shake machine looks at me like I've got two heads but at least acknowledges that he heard me.
The woman behind the counter simply takes the shake I came back with and disappears.
The man at said shake machine continues to sit there without saying anything. After some time he finally pours me a new shake.
McD's Brightest: Here you go ma'am* ... you might want to try it before you leave again, sometimes the lines leave something behind.
Me: **completely dumbfounded look on my face** Ummmm... I'm sorry, did you hear what I said? I'm ALLERGIC to the strawberry. I think a better idea would be for you to consider that your test sample and you try it and pour me a fresh one.
McD's Einstein proceeds to take a spoon and dip into MY shake... and declare it tastes fine to him, put a lid on it, and slide it back across the counter.
Honestly, I can't make this crap up...
AND... *seriously, I know I'm getting ready to turn 30-something, but really... ma'am... what the hell?

Hey yeah, that's fine. Could you take a bite out of my burger too, you know, just to be sure it's cooked right?
Seriously?!?! That's too much!
Fortunately they gave me a liftime supply of strawberry syrup at IHOP to make up for the incident you had at McDonald's. I'll send you some. ;)
Yeah... I know!!!! I think the wheezing noises I was making might have distracted him... but the spoon bit... that was enough... I gave up at that point. No sense in fighting stupid :)
Shan... you're too much :) Seriously... just reading that post ought to let you know how I react to extra benadryl... lol.
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