1. last beverage→ Surprisingly, water.
2. last phone call→ My banker confirming the loan payoff was made :)
3. last text message→ My sister.
4. last song you listened to→ The theme song to South Park ;)
5. last time you cried→ Ten minutes ago.
1. dated someone twice → Yes.
2. been cheated on? Yes.
3. kissed someone & regretted it? Yes.
4. lost someone special?→ Yes, yes, yes, a million times yes.
5. been depressed?→ Currently.
1. Pink
2. Royal Purple.
3. Forest Green.
1. Made new friends → Yes.
2. Fallen out of love → No and I never will. No matter what I will always love Jim.
3. Laughed until you cried → Yes... and then I wet myself too ;)
4. Met someone who changed you - Yes. I grew into the woman I am today after I met Jim.
5. Found out who your true friends were → Oh yes.
6. Found out someone was talking about you→Yes, but I think with what's going on in my life that that is expected.
7. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ (I got tagged over on FB so the answer to that is yes, but it's been well over 9 years... there's several ex boyfriends on my friends list now - and no, it's not like that).
8. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life → All except for one.
9. How many kids do you want to have→ I suppose that will depend on when or if I ever start having them.
10. Do you have any pets --> Yes.
11. Do you want to change your name→ We've had this discussion before.
12. What did you do for your last birthday→ I spent it with Jim :)
13. What time did you wake up today → 6:42 am
14. What were you doing at midnight last night ---> Crying.
15. Name something you CANNOT wait for → The end so I can have a beginning.
16. Last time you saw your father→ I try to block those encounters out... and now I don't have to worry about it for quite some time... hopefully...
17. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Losing Jim.
18. What are you listening to right now → South Park on the t.v.
19. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom--> Not that "Tom," but I had a band director named Tom... and the DA's name is Thom... so yes, several.
23. What's getting on your nerves right now? --> Stupid People (this was my brother's answer, but it's exactly what I'm feeling right now so I'm leaving it)
24. Most visited webpages --> blogger, fb, hotmail, gmail, google reader, and the sites for my bank accounts.
1. Whats your real name --> Tara Ann.
2. Nicknames→ Turtle, The Nanny, and TAB
3. Beverage- Mt. Dew.
4. Zodiac sign → Pisces.
5. Male or female or transgendered→ Female.
6. Elementary-- Mckee Elementary
7. Middle School → Greenfield Jr. High and Rio Bravo Greeley
8. High school → Star Valley High
10. Hair color → Auburn
11. Long or short---> Longish
16. Height → 5'4"
17. Do you have a crush on someone? No.
18: What do you like about yourself? My wit ;)
19. Piercings → Just one hole in each ear.
20. Tattoos → No.
21. Righty or lefty→ Righty.
22. First surgery → Ummmmm...
23. First piercing → The ones my mother had put in my ears.
24. First best friends → Really can't remember.
26. First sport you joined → T-ball... unless you count baton twirling as a sport ;)
27. First pet --> Dog
28. First vacation→ Ummmm... I remember coming to Wyoming to look at property...
29. First concert → Little Texas
30. First crush –> Chad A.
49. Eating → Nothing
50. Drinking → Nothing
52. I'm about to -go to bed
53. Listening to → the Tv
55. Waiting on → the deadline.
58. Want kids? Perhaps.
59. Want to get married? Ditto.
60. Careers in mind? I have a career and I enjoy every moment of it.
68. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
69. Hugs or kisses → Um...both.
70. Shorter or taller → Taller.
71. Older or Younger ----> I've always preferred older.
72. Romantic or spontaneous → Both
73. Nice stomach or nice arms --> Arms.
74. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive.
75. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
77. Trouble maker or hesitant--> A little mixture of both (again, my brother's fitting answer).
78. Kissed a stranger → Only once.
80. Lost glasses/contacts → I currently can't find three pairs of granny glasses.
82. Broken someone's heart → I'd like to think the answer is no, but I fear it is likely yes.
83. Had your own heart broken --> Yes.
85. Been arrested → No.
86. Turned someone down → Yes.
87. Cried when someone died → Yes.
88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → No.
89. Yourself --> Not at the moment.
90. Miracles → I'll tell you around September of this year.
91. Love at first sight —> Yes!
92. Heaven → I hope so.
93. Santa Clause – > Yes.
95. Kiss on the first date? → That depends... but the last time I did it turned into a wonderful romance...
96. Angels → Yes.
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? --> Yes.
98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? --> No.
100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Calling it 100 Things just to spite the man ;)

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