2. I am listening to... the news.
3. I talk... all day long.
4. I love funny... movies.
5. My best friend... Jim.
6. My first real kiss... was in front of a white picket fence.
7. Love is.. the best thing that ever happened to me.
8. Marriage is... something I was really looking forward to.
9. Somewhere, someone is thinking... she did what?!
10. I'll always... love Jim.
11. The last time I really cried was... last night.
12. My cell phone... plays How About Them Cowgirls (mom)... My Sister (guess who)... and Country Boys (my bro & step dad)... and Cowgirls Don't Cry (everyone else).
13. When I wake up in the morning... I flip on the news and let the dogs out.
14. Before I go to bed... I kiss Jim's picture and tell him goodnight.
15. Right now I am thinking... holy shit!
16. Babies are... cute.
17. I get on Myspace... everyday.
18. Today I missed… Jim.
19. Tomorrow... I have meetings all day.
20. I really want to be... held.
21. My ex... is still a good friend of mine.
22. Maybe I should... make a decision.
23. I love... Jim.
24. People would say that… my life is one long bad novel.
25. I don't understand... how or why it happens, I just know that this is the year that all the "bad" people in my life are getting their dues.
26. I lost... the absolute love of my life.
27. Life is full of... long days.
28. My past... helped prepare me for today.
29. I get annoyed when… ignorant people open their mouth.
30. Parties are... a thing of my past.
31. I wish... Jim was here.
32. Dogs... like mine are needy, but I love them.
33. Cats... are good for catching mice.
34. Someone that will most likely re-post this is... most likely to be someone who has ran out of things to blog about...

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