The cool thing about March. It has the same "date" schedule as February (unless there's a leap year). So we get to have TWO Friday the 13ths back to back!
I've mentioned it before, but the 13th has always been a lucky number for me. It was the date of my first date with Jim. Couldn't have started it off any better.
I'm celebrating this Friday the 13th by seeing my dentist... yeah me... my last visit was an emotional nightmare... Jim saw our dentist the week before he passed... I saw him two months later... it was a bit awkward... I can't imagine that this visit will be much easier... at least one thing is certain... I always have a perfect checkup :)

When I figured out today was Friday the 13 my first thought was of you.. I knew it was a special day for you and you had already gone thru one this year... hope this one was a little bit easier.. hope each day gets a little bit easier...
You thought of me? How sweet *blush* thanks :)
Let's just say, that both Friday the 13ths were spent dealing with issues behind the scenes... and became rather long days... I'm looking forward to the next one in November when a lot of this too has passed...
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