I finally got my ring back from the jewelers... and I'm too lazy tonight to take a picture of the repaired ring so here it is in its former glory (yes, that's a saddle... and why, yes, I was repairing it when this picture was taken). It's a peridot marquise center stone with four princess cut stones on each side of the center stone. It wasn't THE ring, but it was a ring that held a lot of meaning to the both of us.
Its new look isn't much different from what it originally looked like when we picked it out. The thing is... in the last eight months I have managed to break the tip off of the center stone reaching in to take Jim's last load of laundry out of the dryer... and shatter one of the side stones when I managed to get my hand caught in between the doorjamb and the doorknob... needless to say... I was limping it along until the side stone crumbled and I became afraid of losing the center stone next. In the end I had to have both the center stone and the side stone replaced and the ring reshaped. It was no surprise that the repairs cost me more than we spent on the ring... but some things you just really can't put a price on... and this was one of them.
The jewler managed to get it back in town the afternoon before I took off for Canon City again... I should've been suspicious of how the rest of the week would go once the start of the week had already started out on such a good foot...

You can't take Colorado weather so seriously... after all, if you don't like the weather, wait a few minutes, it will change... so the fact that it warmed up and was a great weekend has no reflection on you...
I love your ring! I'm into natural stones and go to a lot of rock/gem/mineral shows. Once when my sweetheart and I were out, we find a big "cyrstal" looking rock.. turned out to be a topaz, and he took it to the jewelers and have it cut and put into a beautiful gold setting. then on an anniversary later, he got me topaz earrings to match (hand made) to go with the necklace...
I hope wearing it brings you much peace and comfort.
Warmest regards....
Yeah, I know - it's a lot like Wyoming's weather... the problem was we got caught between the 10 minute changes in both states... more on that in Wednesday's post ;)
I love topaz - that's Jim's birthstone! I've got a lovely earring/pendant/ring set I'll have to post a picture of. What a fun experience and treat for you!
When we're in town for more than a day we always drive up to Cathy's on the Cripple Creek-Florissant Road... I can't remember the exact name of it right now, but you take 50 to 9 then right onto 11 and another right onto Road S and then a right and it's there on the left (only buildings near the intersection) :) ANYWAY... she's got a great selection of wonderful stones and she lets us take as long as we need to find just the right stone- you can find anything up there. I got some great sugillate up there as well as some of the more common stones. She's even come up and opened up the store for us when we've called in advance. I really should do a whole post just on her store.
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