OHmommy over at Classy Chaos is having a give-away! And you all know I love making slideshows... so here's my latest tribute to Jim that I made using the animoto.com software... it's quick, easy, and the results are amazing... don't just take my word for it... check out what I created in about 10 minutes:

What a wonderful tribute.. nicely done. Loved the background music..
That really is neat. I love it. I'm also keeping that software on my list of wants.
Thanks gals!
I love the music too - the last week Jim was alive he came in from trying to call the kids before we retired for the night and he grabbed me to go out and stand in the parking lot in my nightie and see the moon and the stars with him - now I can't look at a full moon without crying :)
Teddy - click on the link and OHmommy's site has a link to a special offer for full access use of the software for seven days (it starts the day you register)... but her link expires 4/24 and the site is in the UK so you'll need to register early on the 24th at the very latest to take advantage of it... and if you blog about it, twitter it, and leave her a comment she's picking the top 3 and giving away a year's subscription to the animoto site!
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