I'm still on the fence about how I feel about the whole episode. For the most part it is pretty close to the actual story. I was surprised to hear some things and figures played down considerably but I suppose time and memories do that. Seems to be the only thing that diminishes really. I think for my part in it I was hoping it would bring some closure and a little less weight on my shoulders. Today I'm finding myself right back in the grief cycle I had thought I'd moved past and started to leave behind. A little like a mostly healed scab that's been snagged and ripped off. An off day for sure but the weekend is coming and I'll be surrounded by family and loved ones and back to my "cheery" self again soon... now if I could only make it through the rest of the work day today... the meltdown in the car in the parking lot was embarrassing enough without having to close my door and guard the entrance to my office this afternoon... if only I could find the key to close the flood gates...