
Friday, December 28, 2007

Waiting on Laundry

Saturday, October 20, 2007

7:20 PM - Waiting on Laundry
Current mood: listless
Category: Life

So I'm going to fill out this survey... because that's what you do when you're bored and tired of working on other things...

1. What is on your mind?
A lot of things... is my friend really about to go through what I think she is... how do I let her know without letting her know that I know... do I let her know that I've been there and it's not an easy choice... am I at a place in my own life where if she makes this decision I can be there to help and support her... still trying to get to that "happy" place... the other stress of my life really can take a number and squat for all I care at the moment...

2. What body part do you hate?
My toes

3. Where is your biological father right now?
In Wyoming... probably hosting another drug party at his house as I type this...

4. Have you ever made out in a basement?
Who hasn't?

5. What body part do you wash first in the shower?
I start at the top - so my head.

6. Do you have any piercings?
One in each ear.

7. Do you have any tattoos?

8. Is your driveway steep?
It's pretty flat.

9. Name five things you did today:
Laundry... read... edited pictures... talked to my brother... talked to my mother...

10. Have you ever been tied up?
who hasn't? (Great answer Dena... gotta leave it!)

11. Last person you text messaged?
Jim... and it was good

12. Have you ever had two dates in one night?

13. What have you eaten today?
God, what have I not eaten... Rice Crispies for breakfast... Grapenuts for lunch... a bite of B&J Dublin Mudslide... a burrito for dinner.

14. Which shoe do you put on first?
Whichever one I pick up first.

15. Are you an expert on any subject?
Several - and I generally know it all... whether you want to hear it or not :)

16. Tell me exactly what you are wearing right now?
Flip flops (they're so weather appropriate), Old Navy PJ bottoms, and a thermal long sleeve shirt (it's laundry day).

17. Have you ever had any Friends with Benefits?
Yes, although the benefits weren't really that great or worth the headache ;)

18. What is the status of you and the last person you kissed?
He's one hot hunk of lovin and he's all mine!

19. Did you French kiss before you were 16?
Bedford Relief Society knows the answer to this one. It wasn't a pleasant experience... made only more mortifying by my mother announcing to the world how much it freaked me out and what I did to the stupid boy... I've come a long, long, long way since then...

20. What's the last text you received say?
It's a picture from my mother of a giant hawk in the backyard and the stupid cat that just about got ate by the hawk because it's too dumb to leave the area and take cover... thank goodness that the hawk had a nice piece of hide to entertain him... did I mention that the cat is an artard.. dee de dee.

21. What is the last thing you do before you go to bed at night?
Depends on the night and how I'm feeling...

22. Have you ever kissed anyone named Amanda?
No, but I had a sleepover once with a girl named Amanda and we made a cake that looked like a giant hamburger...

23. If you had to choose to not ever wash your bed sheets again or not wash your bath towel ever again, which would you choose?
My sheets... but I'd make damn sure that I showered before I got in them... ah ha!!! See the logic...

24. What are you listening to right now?
CMT and the washer and dryer.

25. What was your childhood nickname?

26. What would you change about your life right now?
That's a loaded question... and I've not taken enough Lexipro tonight to answer it yet...

27. How do you feel about public displays of affection?
They don't bother me too much. Jim and I aren't big on them together... we'll hold hands but that's about as far as we'll go in public... unless you count when I grab his ass as we walk down the street just to embarrass him as a form of pda... ;)

28. What's the weirdest thing you have done while driving
I used to commute... so I've done about everything you could possibly think about doing in a car...

29. Have you ever bitten your toenails?

30. How do you normally eat your Oreo cookies?
With a can of Mt. Dew :)

32. Do you like someone right now?
Oh yeah!

33. Can you keep a secret?
Better than most of my friends.

34. What was the best year of your life?
The year Jim walked into it.

35. Do you have any strange phobias?
Not really.

36. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?

37. Your favorite romantic movie is?
Coyote Ugly.

38. When was the last time you cut your hair?
September 8th.

39. Are you happy with your living arrangements?
They could use a certain full time male counterpart, but aside from that I'm making the best of what I've got with what I've got :)

40. Have you ever played naked Twister?
I hate regular Twister...

41. Have you ever been drunk at work/school?

42. Last thing received in the mail?
My November Cosmo

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