
Thursday, January 31, 2008

I Knew it Would Happen...

Okay, I don't know why I'm acting completely all surprised that while Mr. Waddles was here by electricity bill DOUBLED!!! I knew that any visit from him generally involves complaining about how cold life here in the tundra is, and that a visit while he was sick was going to involve the heaters being turned up to like 80 degrees to compensate for the drafty fireplace and the chills he was having... but man... oh... man... that man better put out the next time I see him because this pneumonia has really taken a hit on my wallet... between the pharmacy, the co-pays at the emergency rooms, all the things needed to keep him comfortable, a week's worth of food on the road, and now the damn electricity bill... he doesn't come cheap!

Don't get me wrong... I love him dearly and wouldn't have had it any other way... it's just that playing house without all the added benefits of 'playing house' really sucked... and now... well... now his tab is starting to add up ;)

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