A term used often around here. Jim truly was the world's best father. Even if you didn't know him all you'd have to do was take one look at our fridge (where all things of importance are kept together... otherwise one or the other of us was likely to throw it away... just to find out we needed it):

and one glance in the closet (when we moved the rest of the clothes into this closet Jim got the biggest smile on his face when he reached into the bag and pulled out this t-shirt):

Can you tell he's such a very proud father? And not just of her... ohhhh nooooo.... it was easier to keep track of the other one "online"... so even if he didn't have a spot on the fridge... his schedule wasn't overlooked either. Jim loved being a part of the kids activities and I loved that he loved doing that. His kids mean so much to him. When he would tell me what they had done for the day I could feel his smile through the phone lines. He had plans to take them on a vacation next summer. Another thing he wont be able to do.
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