Hi Sexy,
This week was the week I have waited so patiently for. For four years I have dreamed of nothing but what life would be beyond this week. We were looking forward to the new beginnings that this week was to bring... the start of a new life... the hope of a brighter future... starting with our vacation to the Oregon coast next month... instead there will be court proceedings, but not those that we so fondly dreamed of... 10 weeks ago we were planning our next vacation... this week I'm trying desperately just to hold on to our memories and make it through the day.
Mom and I took a long, long drive today... we stopped at a couple of sites throughout the area... some were easier than others... but I know you were there to hold me up... the Lazy Susans were in full bloom at every stop... the Indian Paintbrush was blossoming by the trees... the river was low, but the current was fast... and the deer were abundant... we stopped counting at 20. I got back to my room and found this picture of you petting the deer at Bear World last May. What a weekend...it meant so much to me to have you there that weekend... the world was always easier to live in when you were by my side...
I searched online for the meaning of the deer sightings... laugh... I know... you think I'm a tad crazy... but you also know that there have been times when I have known what was going to happen before either one of us could grasp the entirity of the situation... like when I told you that afternoon to be careful because I couldn't convince myself that the feeling I had that something was not right would go away... anyway... the deer sightings are very powerful (like you)... "People with strong Deer energy are very alert, graceful (okay, maybe not me...), and intuitive. Their thoughts may seem to jump ahead to the extent that it may be perceived that they aren't listening. . . With Deer as a totem, you will find increasing abilities to detect subtle movements. You may start to hear what is not being said directly, and have the ability to read between the lines." I'm listening Honey... tell me what I need to know...
I love you still more today than when you swept me off my feet on that cold January night...
Love always,
Tara Ann
And all of the rainbows! A friend wrote to me today:"how wonderful! i'm so glad you guys were able to feel Jim there, his gratefullness, his love, and have those beautiful rainbows! thats awesome :) too often folks are too distraught to receive the gifts our loved ones try to send us from the other side." We are blessed to appreciate the small things. Sometimes that's all we have. Lots of Love and Blessings!
Sometimes... right now that IS all we have...
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