Today makes 8 long weeks.
8 weeks of worrying.
8 weeks of wishing.
8 weeks of pure hell.
8 weeks since I felt your touch, your embrace, the strength of your shoulders, your protecting hand in mine. I know, I'm such a girly girl... but I would have never thought that day would be our last walk on the Square. I can't even drive downtown right now.
They have arrested several people this week. It is bitter sweet. I cannot for the life of me understand why. What went through their heads. The cruel things that were done and said to you. The utter selfishness. You always said she was selfish, but neither of us knew the magnitude of that selfishness. How could she? How could she do this to the father of her children? How could she leave them both fathlerless and motherless? I know how much you've always worried about them... it doesn't make it right, but I guess at least now they have two guardian angels looking after them. It will never make up for not having their father there at their soccer games and swim meets. It wont place you in any pictures at graduations and weddings. You wont be able to hold your grandchildren.
I'll never be able to forgive them for robbing us of our future.
I'll never try to forgive them for taking that from the innocent kids.
I love you Sexy. I miss you ever minute of every day. I know, it's so cliche... but it's the only way I can express it.
Love forever and always,
Tara Ann
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