Today marks nine weeks without your laughter to cheer me on. Nine weeks to the very minute from the last time we sat down to have a meal together. Nine long weeks.
More than once this week I’ve needed my helmet… you would have laughed watching me trying to heat up leftovers the other night. I tried putting them back in the fridge and honestly couldn’t find the buttons to make the damn thing work before I realized it wasn’t the microwave… finally found the right appliance… only to stand there staring at it for a solid two minutes before I could figure out how to work it… don’t laugh yet… it gets better… when I heard the “ding” of the microwave I opened the fridge to take my food out… sadly, I’ve now done this more than once this week… I know you’re somewhere laughing at me as I type this. And I know I should be laughing too, but quite honestly it scares me.
I have felt like I have been in such a haze this entire summer. Pushing forward when I honestly didn’t think I had the strength to walk one more step without you by my side.
I found a couple of other lost souls along the way... they'd lost their owner to cancer last month and needed someone to take them home... I thought they'd help to fill the lonely void around the house... I didn't realize that their five pounds worth of dog would take more real estate in the bed than your 180 pounds of manly man... I thought you hogged the blankets... boy was I wrong :) It's nice to have some pitter-patter noise, but it does not replace what I've really lost...
We've always known that you have the best buddies a guy could ask for... and we were more than right. You'd be so glad to know that hardly a day goes by that I don't hear from one of them. They truly miss you as much as I do... their friendship with me means more than they'll ever know. We are all looking forward to the safety meeting/wake at the end of the month... but then again not many of us need an excuse for a good party and truthfully, what a better excuse than to share memories of the greatest man I've ever known.
I love you Waddles. I miss you more and more with each passing day.
Tara Ann
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