I saw this meme on a friend's blog over on MySpace and since I'm looking for a distraction and something to wind down with tonight I figured what the heck... but be warned... I may get weepy. I make no promises to keep it light and happy...

1. Where did you meet? We met in Afton when he was working at a job site in Star Valley. Ironically, it would later become the first and last site I knew him to work at.
2. What was the first thought that went through your head when you met? Wow! He's even more incredibly handsome than I imagined from the sound of his voice!
3. Do you remember what he/she was wearing? Like it was yesterday. He had on a denim shirt with the Nortel logo, Levis, Merrill shoes, and his round framed glasses. I was wearing my black Gap slacks, a turquoise blouse, a black blazer, and black high heeled penny loafers with my hair down.
4. Where was the first time you kissed this person? Besides the tiny pecks on the back of my hand he'd given me in the car on the ride back to Afton, he kissed me in the parking lot of the hotel he was staying at after we were finished scraping the snow off of my car. We still laughed about that even all these years later. It had been awhile since I had been out with anyone I felt remotely romantically interested in so I was taken by surprise... and let's just say it wasn't the smoothest kiss I've ever had... he was perfect... I was a babbling freak... thank God he decided to go in for a second kiss (probably just to shut me up) or we may have never have had a second date :)
5. How did he/she ask you out? Simply, "would you like to maybe go out and do something with me?"
6. Where did you go for your first date? We drove up to Jackson Hole for dinner at Bubba's (it was very casual) and Finding Forester at the MovieWorks Plaza. He was a gentleman the entire evening and a complete sweetheart. I remember him rubbing circles above my knee until I thought he might wear a hole through my slacks - lol. On the ride back home he would hold my hand and rub the back of it with his thumb... But he really hooked me when he would lift my hand and kiss the back of it... I was a complete goner and I'd only known him for about six hours...
7.How long did you know this person before you became a couple? Well, if you define being a couple by your first kiss... I guess that would be about eight hours... if it's defined in other terms... then... (close your eyes mom)... four and a half days *blush* which sounds horrible since I had never kissed on the first date before... and I had certainly never engaged in other activities before that either *blushing even more*
8. Has this person ever proposed to you? Several times... some jokingly... some a bit more seriously... every time with a smile on his face... we were waiting for everything else to be finalized so that we could make it official... but we'd already set a date for this coming January.
9. Do you and this person have kids together? Unfortunately, none that have survived.
10. Have you ever broken the law with this person? Hmmmmmmmm... does speeding count? No.
11. When was the first time you realized that you liked this person? Before we made it as far as Alpine on our first date.
12. Do you get along with any of the ex's of your partner? Seeing as she is sitting in jail right now as a responsible party for his murder... NO! But I don't think that even if things wouldn't have turned out this way that she and I would be great buddies... I have a zero idiot tolerance and I've never been overly impressed with the woman and her decisions.
13. Do you trust this person? More than anyone else in the entire world. He was the only person I could truly ever completely trust.
14. Do you see you and your partner in your future? I did.
15. Whats the most expensive thing this person has given you? The gift of happiness and feeling complete.
16. What is one thing he/she does that gets on your nerves? I wouldn't say it "got on my nerves" but his quirky habit of dragging his feet across the floor to take off his socks always made me laugh... it honestly took more energy to repetitively drag his feet than it did to bend down and slip them off.
17. What is the thing you do that gets on his/her nerves? I don't tell people "no" enough and can easily be taken advantage of and that would irritate him because he hated to see me put myself in that situation.
18. Where do you see each other in 15 years from now? We were supposed to be raising our own family... attending Beth and Andrew's college graduations... holding grandbabies... vacationing in Greece... enjoying each other's company with a good glass on the back porch... rocking away our worries.
19.Will this person re-post this? Not unless there is an internet connection in Heaven...
I wish there were a connection for you. I loved reading the little details, especially what you two were wearing:)
Good hell, how did you even get through this?! You amaze me more and more little lady. What can I say? You're cute and I like you!
I too loved reading the details and like knowing more about how you met. Good luck with the holidays, I think of you often. Thanks for always checking out my blog.
Thanks ladies :)
You guys always know how to make me feel loved :) I am so lucky to have friends as amazing as you... and to have known you all for as long as I have (for fear of telling all our ages I won't tell the internet how many years ;) tee hee!)
Teddy, it's a curse... and I don't know how or when to stop - lol... I almost posted the exact earrings I was wearing that night too... it's sad... I know... aren't you supposed to be singing... what are you doing online... go enjoy Sun Valley!
Cami, it was actually kind of therapeutic to remember the freshness of that first night and first week... it certainly made me miss him more... but it was good to smile for a few moments :)
Christina, I love your blog! I only wish I was half as talented as you are! How you find the time to do it all and keep those two precious little girls out of trouble and your house clean is beyond me!
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