***Paste these instructions into a new note and tell stuff about yourself that other people probably didn't know about you. Keep it clean! :) (Clearly, you guys know me too well...)
Write 25 things about yourself that most people don't know about you.... it's that "easy."
So here it is...
1. I have only met one person in my life who was not family and who could finish my sentences and read my mind... and when I did it was the beginning of a tremendous experience... that I was only so lucky to have had... Jim truly was my soul mate in every sense of the word.
2. I still play my flute after 23 years... and yes it is true... flute players have the best embouchure in the band.
3. Occasionally I will still bust out the piccolo too.. after almost as many years... if nothing else than to remind me why I no longer have the ability to hear extremely high pitched noises or carry a tune in a bucket.
4. I can pseudo play the piano...
5. Pseudo because while I can read music I can only read the treble clef (or top hand, er... right hand, for those who are musically illiterate)... I can read the base clef (bottom hand)... but it's very slow going... and I cannot read them both at the same time... so I can't play the top hand and the bottom hand (left hand) at the same time.
6. Not only do the different clefs seem to be an issue... but for some reason, even though playing the flute requires nine fingers, using all TEN fingers at the same time becomes an issue of coordination... but Jim always told me I was coordinated where it really mattered the most...
7. However, coordination... not one of my strong points... hence the multiple times I have broken the bones in both my feet.
8. Jim and I both love the ocean. For us it was like coming home to that nurturing spot in nature. A chance to reconnect with our true inner selves. But we wouldn't trade living in the mountains for anything.
9. The last time I saw the Pacific Ocean I was wrapped in Jim's arms.
10. The last time I saw the Atlantic Ocean I was wrapped in Jim's arms.
11. The first time I saw the Atlantic Ocean I was like a little kid let loose at Disneyland... and Jim was grinning from ear to ear like a proud teacher showing me the world and all its wonders.
12. I have been to a comedy club... and loved, loved, loved watching the stand-up comedy live... even if Jim and I sat there sweating bullets in the front row as we came "this close" to becoming part of the act.
13. 13 is my lucky number! It was also Jim's lucky number... we looked forward to Friday the 13th... there's one next month... that means things will be looking up...
14. I am quite resourceful... as I type this, I am sitting here with Sissie wrapped up in a peanut shell (left over from another adventure) sleeping so that I can actually type without being licked to death... and Jim would be flipping out if he was here.... laughing and poking fun at me for sure!
15. Speaking of number 14... Jim would get frustrated with me because he wanted to help out when he would be home... but if I could take care of it while he was at work then I did because I never saw the sense in waiting for it to be fixed, tweaked, or whatever if I could take care of it on my own. Besides, who wants to spend time fixing the toilet when we could be running around the Park looking for pictures to take... or keeping ourselves otherwise entertained :)
16. I am a lively 5 foot 4 inches tall with the world's longest inseam... when I purchase pants I have to purchase the "tall" length... but most people can't tell from a first glance just how long my legs are because of my short torso... or that I'm only 5'4 because I compensate by wearing heeled shoes and boots...
17. Speaking of shoes... seeing as I'm not that tall, one might imagine that I would have somewhat small feet... but just like my legs... it might surprise you to know that I wear a size TEN shoe... and that's just in a standard U.S. size... but since I hardly if ever wear domestic made shoes (they hurt my feet)... my European size a FORTY ONE... yeah... go shopping and tell the clerk you need a 41 and watch the innocent bystanders try not to laugh out loud at you...
18. Despite wearing such unfathomably large shoes... my longest toe is just barely over an inch and a half long... Jim was always a good sport about offering up foot rubs (on a nightly basis... )... and bless him for not laughing at my retarded feet...
19. I had been "in" love before I met Jim, but I had never truly experienced love and all its emotions and grandness until Jim walked into my life just shy of my 23rd birthday.
20. Before Jim I never knew what it meant to love until your heart hurt so much from swelling and trying not to burst at the seams. He taught me that it was okay to open myself up to another person completely... and how to give myself and my fears over to a man who wanted to protect me and make me happy.
21. Jim was and remains my white knight in shinning armor. He is my hero in every sense of the word. He kissed away my pain... stood by me forever... and took my breath away.
22. It is not my nature to cry at the drop of a hat. Before July of this year I really only cried at the end of sad or sappy movies... or when Jim and I kissed goodbye (I don't know why I would do that... but I always had... from day one... it didn't matter if he was coming home in a couple of days, the thought of being without him for a couple of days was always sad) but since then I've cried at least two or three times on any given day and over the smallest things. A song. The sunlight. A word. A bird. A rock. It makes no sense.
23. I have changed my cellphone plan three times this year. Jim and both changed ours at the beginning of the year to the unlimited minute plans with our respective carriers because his schedule had been crazy nights and we were running over anytime minutes... then a few months after he was murdered I took my plan back down to the 1350 minutes it had previously been at... last week I took it even farther down to 900 minutes... and I'll still be wasting about 400 minutes a month... that's how much I am used to having Jim to talk to...
24. Jim was and will always be my first true love. Many men before him had tried to sweep me off of my feet... but Jim was the only one who was successful... to the point he not only swept me off my feet... he managed to knock me completely on my ass in the process... in only the way that Jim could.
25. I have lived a lifetime and back in my nearly 31 years. I've had diseases with no name and no origin. I've been in positions I swore I would never be. I've lived experiences that no woman would ever imagine. And I can look back and honestly say there is nothing I would have done differently and that every experience has prepared me to endure the next battle. The lines have been drawn. The battle will likely be long. But you can bet your sweet ass that I will not rest until the justice that Jim deserves, and the justice that I am entitled to, is granted.

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