only our characters are steadfast, not our gold.”
I am still more than a bit pissy about a comment I heard on a news broadcast Thursday morning. I just wish I could remember if it was on GMA or HLN (incidentally, when did our nation get so lazy that we had to shorten even the names of the programs on television... but that's a whole 'nother tangent...)...
Where was I? Oh, yes. Someone somewhere showed actual video footage of a woman in her late 50s early 60s being interviewed about the great Ponzzi Scheme of the year... if you haven't heard about it you've been living under a rock, are deaf and blind, or really shouldn't be reading my blog in the first place...
Crap... there's those tangents again... anyway...
Said woman who may or may not be referred to from this point on as IMBECILE was quoted as saying (and I'm paraphrasing here, I really wish I could find the actual footage... maybe someone can help me here...) as saying, "being a victim of the ponzzi scheme is worse than loosing someone. Those that have lost someone get to grief and move on with their lives. This will affect me every day for the rest of my life... yada yada yada." After my head finished spinning around I quit listening to the end of her comment... so IMBECILE if you happen to come across my blog... or if maybe someone wants to pass this along to HLN or the like... PULL. YOUR. HEAD. OUT. OF. YOUR. ASS.
Imbecile, you are not the poor victim you think you are. While it is true that there could be (and I use that term very, very, VERY loosely) some similarities between your situation and say MINE or even someone who has lost a dear one, a husband, a father, someone they counted on... let me lay out the cold hard facts for you... I'll even compare them for you in case you're really too stupid to see past your own materialistic nose...
You - lost money.
I - lost the absolute love of my life, a real live person.
You - had money stolen from you to make more money for another greedy individual.
I - had a real live person stolen from me to make more money for a group of greedy individuals.
You - and this is where it gets really important and I'll say it really slowly so that you can read it just as slowly, okay? YOU CAN ALWAYS MAKE MORE MONEY.
I - Like many others who have suffered the loss of a loved one at the hands of someone else, WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO SEE THE PERSON FOR WHOM I GRIEVE OVER AGAIN.
And that's my soapbox for today. Whew. I feel only remotely better having typed that out... still pissy about it... still can't believe that there are people who sincerely are that materialistic who share the same air I breathe... it's sad... really, really, really sad.

Wow, really? Give me a break! Poor lady lost some money, eh? Dang.
Yep, really... I still can't believe it...
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