Not quite sure...
Who the woman staring back in the mirror is anymore...
She used to laugh...
But since her heart was torn in half...
Now she only cries...
Where once there was a sparkle in her eyes...
Appears a hollow reflection of what once was...
A cold daily reminder of the injustice and the cause.

Bless your heart Tara Ann... I came across your blog reading the blog from the guy from Fremont County traveling acroos the country barefoot and you were asking him to keep an eye out for Jim... I spent the weekend reading your blog from start to finish and my heart cries out for you... I followed this case in the Daily Record and remember how I felt when I heard what had happened to your loved one... There is no rhyme or reason to what happened... people are so messed up these days... but your Jim is smiling down upon you and trying to comfort you in your grief... I will put your in my prayers tonight and think of your tomorrow when I get up and face the day and you get up and don't know how you will face the day... Bless you Tara, I'll follow you on your path to tomorrow...
Thank you so very much for your very endearing and lovely comment. I am sorry that it has taken me so long to respond, but as you are probably aware of from the paper today we had more court appearances to attend this week and I have had my hands full with traveling.
Thank you for your support and prayers. They are still very much needed. I cannot tell you how much the continued support of the generous people of Canon City has meant to both myself and my family as we continue to travel to your beautiful area (because despite this very heinous deed we can tell that underneath the scar that this has left on the community there remains an amazing town with very caring people).
It takes a lot to leave a comment like yours and I can never repay your generous and sincere thoughts. Thank you again.
Much love,
Tara Ann
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