
Friday, January 23, 2009

Plans Change...

Instead of making plans and arrangements for a wedding this month, I've been working hard to wrap things up to meet with family and friends in a different venue...

Instead of wearing white this month... I'll be wearing black, again.

I would have made a wonderful winter bride... the dress was picked out... and all the details were perfect... even if we hadn't decided on a local yet... Jim laughed when I showed him this website and the fact that you could design all the wedding party's attire and see how it was all going to look... he laughed, but he was grinning from ear to ear as he looked over my shoulder... it was just going to be a simple ceremony... a minor formality on the path we'd already been sharing for such a long time... but to me... to me it was going to be that magical moment when I promised to God and all around to love and to hold and to cherish Jim forevermore... we'd already experienced in sickness and health... in good times and bad... we shouldn't have had to experience until death do us part... not yet...


Camie Rae said...

Wow lady. I think you are one strong cookie. You amaze me.

Tara Ann said...

Thanks Cami... it's all one good act... if you could see my 3 a.m. meltdowns you'd see how vulnerable I am without him here.