And the 13th was always our lucky day... and the monthly anniversary we would 'celebrate' since that was the date of our first date... so... I'm going to stay busy by filing out yet another MeMe...
Make a list of things you can see without getting up:
TV, lots of pillows, lamps, rug, cell phone, suitcases, laptop, Mt. Dew, mirror, fans, sleeping dogs on either side of me, pictures of Jim and I, Jim's hat, Jim's sweater, and my jewelry boxes.
What were you like when you were five?
I was five going on 30. I liked to play chess with my Papa Bill and I liked to go to the cock fights with my Papa Jim and great uncles, not because I knew what was going on, but because I felt like a grownup when I tagged along.
What are you wearing now?
A teal nightie.
What story/book/novel have you read over and over again in your life?
Diary of Anne Frank.
What’s the last thing you read/are currently reading?
The Language of Recovery.
Do you nap a lot?
No, hardly at all since Jim passed. Now, when he was home that was a different story. Maybe it was because we both felt so relaxed when we were home and together, but we could snuggle up and take an afternoon nap every day of the week...
Who was the last person you hugged?
My friend littlest brother, Kidd.
What’s your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Grey's Anatomy/Facebook/blogging.
What was the last thing you ate today?
Leftover lunch from Merry Piglets for breakfast this morning... and yes, it was cold.
What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Gmail, SiteMeter, Facebook, Google Reader, Hotmail, MySpace, Twitter, and a handful of Colorado newspaper sites (Salida, Canon City, Pueblo, Denver, and Ouray).
What was the last thing you bought?
Mt. Dew (it was finally on sale! $4/12 pack form $5.61!), spinach dip, meat from the quick sale bin (score!), chips, yogurt, and milk.
What are you listening to right now?
The Quiet Man. What, you've never heard of it... shame on you... you should run out and find it today... it's a classic. It's one of five movies that Maureen O'Hara and John Wayne did together and one of my four favorite John Wayne movies (the others being McLintock (also with O'Hara), The Cowboys, and Hatari)... "Two women in the house and one of them a red head..." need I say more?
What movie are (or were!) you most excited to show your kids?
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - the ORIGINAL Gene Wilder one... and my little brother thought it was pretty cool :)
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Turning back the hands of time.
What is your favorite weather, and why?
I like it when it's about 55 and the sun is shinning... it's not too hot... not too cold... and just warm enough for it to not snow!
What time do you usually get up?
The kiddos like to get up between 6:30 a.m. and 7:45 a.m. but the alarm is officially set for 8:10 a.m.
What is your most challenging goal right now?
Figuring out my life without Jim's presence in it.
Say something to the person who tagged you: Nobody tagged me... I tagged myself ;)
If you could have a house–totally paid for, fully furnished–anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be?
As long as I am somewhere I could be happy and healthy it really doesn't matter (but not anywhere too warm... and preferably in the mountains, but near the beach!).
Favorite vacation spot?
Vacation? What's a vacation? I need one of those right now... but it'll be at least a year before my schedule is open enough to take some time for myself... we'll have to see where the wind blows me then.
What is your favorite children’s book?
Hmmmm.... so many to choose from... so for today's answer I'll choose Harold and the Purple Crayon.
Name one thing you just can’t resist no matter how bad it is for you:
My Mt. Dew.
If you could meet anyone famous - dead or alive - who would it be?
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. I've always been intrigued by her.
What's your favorite love song?
The first song Jim and I ever danced to...

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