And to Mr. Lane, from Denver... ohhhhhh do I have a word or two for you... "mindless revenge" MINDLESS. REVENGE. Let's have your loved one kidnapped and gunned down in cold blood and see if you still consider the death penalty a fucking mindless revenge. The system itself does enough injustice to the victims left behind without having defense attorneys like yourself come up with a quote like this one,"My job is to show the jury that no human can have their humanity defined by the worst thing they have done on Earth. My job is to acknowledge the humanity of every single one of these people and defend it." HUMAN? It is not humane to murder another individual. It is barbaric and animalistic and why on this green Earth should we not hold individuals responsible for their actions?
Where was their sense of humanity when these criminals were committing murder in the first degree... remember... we're not talking about accidents at this level... cold blooded, premeditated, murder. And without the threat of the death penalty the best we can do is to protect the public from people like this for what... less than 50 years at best? How many of the individuals that this law applies to are repeat offenders?But then I suppose that even Hitler and Sadam Housains mothers thought that they were good men too... afterall... if we aren't to define a man by the worst thing they have done on this earth then those men are no different than the individuals for who you are willing to acknowledge humanity within as well.
How do you sleep at night Mr. Lane? Is it with one eye open like I have since July of 2008? Is it in constant fear of what may be lurking around the corner because your world has been flipped upside down... no, no, I bet, unlike so many of the victims of the people you have represented, you fall asleep held tight in the arms of a loved one. That's a nice luxury that was TAKEN from me that I'd give anything to have... so excuse me if I am one of those who thinks that the punishment should fit the crime. MINDLESS. MY. ASS. There's not a second of any day that hasn't passed in the last TWO HUNDRED TWENTY FOUR DAYS that one thought of mine has been mindless.

The views expressed in the linked article are right up there with the other crap I've heard this year... like, "we have to give them hope of light at the end of the tunnel..." and my favorite, "it's a life altering and major decision they are making..." yeah... where's my light again? and... because when they missed on the first attempt there was just no backing down from the second attempt... they had plenty of time the first 6 weeks to think about how it would affect the rest of their lives... That's not to say that I don't appreciate what is being done... but I am entitled to still feel pissed about the outcome.
Wow. I just don't even know what to say. How can people even defend something like that? There are some messed up people in this world and what sucks is that there are innocent victims that have to deal with their decisions. I think someone's agency and humanity goes out the window when another human;s life is taken, no if's, and's or but's. They have no right to it. I am so sorry to hear about all this crap. I am thinking about you!
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