After going out on Friday night to see a friend's grandkids in a local musical production I took the rest of the weekend to just kind of be. I loaded up the kiddos in the truck on Saturday morning to head down to my parents' place and... ohhh...
Funny story. Well, to those of us living up here in the tundra... while I was loading up the dogs and their peripherals these tourist from Utah were loading up all their ski gear. I'm running around in a flurry in a one-ply cotton t-shirt and flip flops... they're dressed head to toe ready to hit the hill for the day... guy no. 1 comments to guy no. 2 about how freezing cold it is up here still... I tried not to laugh in their faces. Of course he may have had reason to think that. It was about 48 degrees here that day and I'm sure they've been enjoying 60+ degree weather for awhile now whereas I was all... DUDE! The sun... it is still in the sky and it's actually shinning today! Yeah, I know there's still three feet of snow in the yard, but the driveway is clear so I'll dress like I'm going to the beach :)
And that was about the most excitement I had for the rest of the weekend... still looking for a 'new' car... and yes, sadly, the tourists quipping to each other in the driveway was more exciting than that... I'm either too picky or I expect too much for what I'm willing to spend (i.e. I'm a pinny pinching tight-ass).

Tara - I can confirm that we've been enjoying at least 55+ weather for the last week or so but today is snowy and cold again. I don't think I could live through those Wyoming winter again, kind of turned into a baby that way. Hope all is well and that justice is getting closer to being served every day.
See! And ya'll are just in the middle of the state! I hear St. George has been even warmer ;) Hell, I live here and I'm not sure how I do it!
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