
Thursday, April 9, 2009

39 Weeks...


Hi Sexy,

I know... I know... I know... that's just a slow self inflicted torture... but it was always something I wondered about... and one more dream they took away from us.

Seems pretty much everyone I know who was able to get pregnant has gotten pregnant... and most all of them conceived within an eight week period (four weeks before you passed and four weeks after)... so it's been baby haven around here for a while now... and it's made me wonder... what if?

What if we'd been able to?

Would he have that strong Durgan nose?

My eyes?

Your adorable ears?

Our personalities?

Your sense of humor?

My snappy sarcastic wit?

We had so much life to live ahead of us. So much left to do. Much more left to say. The more I know the less and less any of it makes any sense. It was all so meaningless. And for what? Besides the obvious objective.

I miss you Honey. Every day gets harder and harder. I'm so afraid of letting my guard down... I know when I do my heart is going to break into a million little shattered pieces... much like the glass bowl I dropped in the kitchen tonight.

Love always,
Tara Ann

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