
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Let Me Live Vicariously Through You...

I saw a "Fun Monday" bit going around the internet yesterday... seems every one else is going on vacation this summer... and... well... since at least two (2) of my weeks are already spoken for this summer (with possibly six (6), but who knows at this point still) and will be spent here... I thought I'd check in with the three of you that actually read my blog and see what your vacation plans are? We had plans at one time of escaping to here or here... or here again... just anywhere as long as it was the two of us... a beach... and truly no work... which was always harder for me than for Jim. I have a hard time leaving the laptop and cellphone behind... I got "in trouble" for it on a couple of occasions. I had to remind him though that while he may be working nights, my bosses and clients (at the time I was self-employed) were still working days ;)

Anyway... share away!

Anyone... Buehler... Buehler???? (If you need a link to that one you're too young to be reading my blog ;) )...


ZippyWendy said...

I doubt I'm one of the three people you meant but I'll share my plans anyway. My cousin is getting married in late June but we're not sure we will have the money to go yet. My Mom and I are going to Denver for a few days in July to visit some friends. Other than that, I get to work while other people are on vacation.

Tara Ann said...

Of course you're one of the "three" ;)A June wedding - how fun!

So when you go to Denver for a couple days do you guys act like tourist and hit all the fun spots like Casa Bonita ;) One of my trips down there I'd love to take my camera and spend some quality time down in the historic district... I'd love to have a couple of days to really explore Denver.

You sound like me... I'm quite literally the only person in the office this week while everyone else around here is on Spring Break vacations...

auggiedoggysmom said...

well dearie...

I am going to turn 50 the first week in June... every year we go to Wild Rivers Recreational Park in New Mexico for a week... My friend from grade school whom I am still close with and her husband are going with us... We will be riding bikes, driving to Taos, watching beautiful sunsets, and drinking wine by the Rio Grande gorge, and I will have a toast to/for you! I am so looking forward to it!

ZippyWendy said...

I stand corrected then. :) Yes, a June wedding is nice, as long as it's inside and not in the hot and humid Arkansas summer. :)

We got to Denver to watch racing. We usually avoid the touristy spots. We get our fill of tourists here. Besides, the more you do around Denver the more you have to deal with those "interesting" drivers. Your idea sounds fun though, I hope you get the chance to do that sometime.

Camie Rae said...

Ha! Vacation what now? We never do anything. I think we have a family reunion somewhere in deep dark Utah, but as for now, that's all we got. It's ok, you can say it...LAME.

Tara Ann said...

Auggie - what a trip! That sounds like a blast. You'll have to take pictures and post them on your blog for all to see!

I feel you, Wendy. There's a strong possibility that I'll have to attend a wedding in Oklahoma in July... oh joy! (I don't do humidity... heat... summer well at all). I understand getting your fill of tourist... I think it's one of the reasons why I have such a hard time playing a tourist in another town ;)

Cami, you're not LAME... you'll have that precious new bouncy baby... I wouldn't really want to go anywhere at that stage either! You're going to have your hands plenty full as it is!!! But hey, the good news is... we'll both be around... we should finally make good on the talk to do lunch ;)

As always, thanks ladies!