
Sunday, April 19, 2009

My New Arrival...

Remember this post?

I finally made that big purchase I was talking about... and I was all excited to take pictures and show ya'll my "new" car... and then I realized that it's probably not a really smooth idea until everything has passed and is said and done... I even sent an email to the dealership to ask them to make sure to take the decal off the back of the vehicle. Every day there is just one more way that all of this effects my life.

Trading in the Durango was one of the hardest things I've done in quite awhile... so many memories... so many moments... even harder was making the decisions about which vehicle to purchase without his insight and guidance... when I found the Durango I fell in love with the color... Jim was the one who made sure it was practical and safe... now all that fell on me... and I didn't have anyone to call in excitement and tell that I'd found a possible replacement for the ailing Durango... and I found a great, safe, practical for where I live cowgirl mobile :)

Remind me in September and I'll post some pictures of it then.

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