
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Needing a Break

My brain hurts this week. It could be because I found the last chunk of ice in the condo parking lot on Monday... stepped out of the car and just kept right on going... banged my hip, shoulders, and then my head pretty hard on the running board of the truck... then I heard the sound of a phone ringing and add insult to injury (literally) I was pocket dialing the building supervisor at work... no pretending like this slip didn't happen either... apparently even when I don't have an audience I find a way to have an audience.

This wouldn't be the first concussion I've had... so I'm saving the money it would take to have a CT(without the dye because I'm allergic to it!)... and reserving my brain power for work... so for your reading enjoyment... ANOTHER. MEME.


1) Favorite object in your room?
Our bed... it's very luxe. I worked hard to make sure it is soft and comfy and inviting.

2) Do you smoke?
Nope. Never have and never will.

3) Do you own guns?
Yes. One on my right arm and one on my left arm ;) Oh wait... that may not be what you're asking...

4) What flavor do you add to your drink at sonic?
Soni-what? The closest Sonic is like 90 miles away... I don't even know what flavors they offer.

5) Do you get nervous at the doctors?
Yes, but then I really only go to the girly doctor so you could imagine just how fun and exciting those are to look forward to.

6) What do you think of when you hear hot dogs?

7) Favorite song?
Several at the moment.

8.) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Mt. Dew.

9) Can you do push ups?
Not very effectively.

10) Can you do a chin up?
Not really but I do a really impressive chin roll... yeah... that was just retarded.

11) What’s your favorite piece of jewelry?
My ring.

12) Your pet peeves are?
Gosh... where to start... people eating chips... the office paper thief... slow drivers... the smell of eggs cooking... the use of a wrong homophone...

13) Ever been in a car wreck?
A few minor wrecks.

14) Do you like to work on your Birthday?
Since my job is a Monday-Friday type of job I really don't have much of a choice... but the office almost always goes to breakfast for my birthday so I won't complain :)

15) What’s one trait that you hate about yourself?
I open myself up to get hurt in too many ways.

16) Are you named after anyone?
I think I've answered a variant of this before... I share my middle name with my mother.

17) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.
- I need to really do laundry and not just think about doing it.
- This bed is awfully lonely.
- I really, really, really, miss Mr. Waddles.

19) Name 3 drinks you drink regularly.
Water, Mt. Dew, and... the occasional lemonade.

20)What’s your job?
Goodness... what isn't my job right now?

21) Current hate right now?
The three individuals who have taken my happiness from me.

23) Do your friends love you?
I’d be the wrong person to ask.

23) How did you bring in the New Year?
In a fog.

24) Where would you like to be right now?
In Jim's arms.

25) Name three people who will complete this.
My mother.

26) Are you one of those people that thinks and talks about their life being unfair?
Unfair? No. Unjust? Yes.

27) What shirt are you wearing?
Not applicable.

28) Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
Too warm.

29) Can you whistle?

32) What songs do you sing in the shower?
I haven't sang in the shower since the early part of last July.

33) Favorite girl’s name?

34) Favorite boy’s name?

35) What’s in your pocket?
Not applicable.

36) Last person that made you laugh?
Bossman a couple of hours ago.

37) Best toy as a child?
My Cabbage Patch Kid.

39) Do you love where you live?
LOVE it.

40) Do you give good advice?
I think so.

41) Who is your loudest friend?
That would be me. I tend to be louder than everyone else in a group. I can't control it. It drove Jim nuts...

43) Does someone have a crush on you?
Likely not.

44) Favorite part about your weekend?
Not leaving the house for two days straight.

45) What are you gonna do for your next birthday?
Hopefully not cry as hard as I did on the last birthday.

46) Favorite sports team?
LA Dodgers.

48) Where is the next place you want to travel to?
Anywhere warm with a beach.

49) What were you doing 12 AM this morning?
Having a panic attack.

50) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
Where is he? Why is that side empty? Oh... yeah...


Gayle said...

I am so sorry it is still so hard. I hate your alone-ness. I hope the sun shines brightly on you soon.

Tara Ann said...

Thanks Gayle. My life was so intertwined with his that it has been hard to adjust to life without him... and then there's the "other" stuff that's still ongoing. Thanks for your thoughts - they help a lot :)