So hard to believe my world was forever changed that many years ago today... This picture would be taken a few months later when it was warmer and we could really explore the area. Goodness, we both look so naive... probably because we were... ;)
I thank God every day for bringing you into my life and showing me how to really love another person. Not just while you were here but in the years (all going on six of them) since you were taken. To those who have never been in this place it's hard to express how I could love you even more today than I thought I could on that cold, wintery, Wyoming January day in 2001.
Thank you for never being too far away... for still finding ways to slip in and out of my dreams (the rainbow duck running amuck in the variety store and driving the Barbie car last night has been my favorite so far - I woke up laughing - you always know how to make me really belly gut laugh).
I miss you Mr. Waddles.
Love always,

Do you still see his boys? I am sure you were close to them.
Thanks for your comments Tashua (sorry I mistakenly thought I was replying to your other one and somehow managed to delete it and can't bring it back). For respect of his kids and the situation we had held off on my meeting them until things were finalized and settled on his end. The chance was taken from us before we could do that. Still, Jim's large and caring heart and the feelings and worries he had for his children made it impossible not to love them nearly as much as he did even without having formally met them. I hope one day years from now they will seek the truth and this blog will help them to see and remember the love he had for them through the few stories that have been shared here. ~ Tara Ann
Girl you were with a married man it was due for one of u to die! God doesn't like ugly rather u knew he was married or not he was & when u found out you should've ran far away but instead y'all keep seeing each other thank god it wasn't u killed cause if my husband cheats I'm killing both him & her! & I live near the Arkansas river
Endi, Thank you for taking the time to google more about Jim's story and for finding the blog. I assume the sensationalized episode aired once again tonight. I can only hope that you never have to endure the things that our families have and that should you ever find yourself in similar shoes that strangers who can feel safe passing judgment in the name of God while hiding behind computer screens show more Christian mercy, understanding, and benevolence than you have shown me. I have more than done my penance, given back substantially to the community there, and made my peace with God about my own actions. There is much more to all that happened than a 40 minute television show looking for ratings and getting about 1/2 the information correct (including timing of events) will ever be able to tell.
The world we live in is not always so black and white and who are you to say that this wasn't a part of God's plan? If you knew the whole story you would see that the chances were high that one way or another at one time or another Jim was likely to meet his demise at the hands of Kristen. Choosing the path together that we did wasn't easy but in the end, if it hadn't been for the support and love we gave each other there would be three people capable of kidnapping and murdering still running free in your own community because there wouldn't have been anybody to stand there on Jim's behalf and tell the investigators the truth of the stories of the the lives that were happening behind the closed doors of that house at 815 G Street.
I actually just watched Jim's story on Investigation Discovery. I watch ID often but I've only taken the time to find out more about a case a handful of times. Jim's story really bothered me- as he seemed like he was such a good guy and yours and his relationship touched me. I don't know how much of the show was true or just sensationalized, but it said that you & Jim broke up. Then years after that, you reunited. You must've really loved each other and I'm so sorry that he was taken from you.
When I watched Jim's story, a lot of things went through my head. I felt bad for you, for Jim's family and friends, and ESPECIALLY Jim's children. Not once did I think to myself, "You were with a married man so no wonder something happened." For someone to think like that, to use God's name to criticize you- they make me sick. If they have that opinion, ok, that's their right. But you do not need it. I don't know the real story- but I certainly didn't make that observation.
Anyway, I wish you all the best and if you don't mind, I'm going to bookmark your blog and check in now and then.
Ashley, Thank you for your kind words. That piece of the story was very true. Thank you for your compassion and for the courage to speak up as a voice louder than the naysayers. I really appreciate your comment.
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