Since July I have seen a handful of rainbows in various places and moments, but none as bright and beautiful as the rainbows we saw on our recent trip to Colorado. In my haste to remember to pack for the kiddos I forgot to pack along my own camera and was at the mercy of my mother's Sony something or other so the image is not as clear as I wish it could be and it does not quite give it the justice it deserves... nonetheless... this set (look closely above the bottom rainbow) of rainbows appeared in the canyon between Canon City and Cotopaxi about two hours after the proceedings on Friday afternoon as we were driving through... and just before the sun could start to set. It pales in comparison to the two vertical rainbows we saw the night before on the ridge north of Cotopaxi (no picture of that amazing sight as we forgot the camera back at the hotel).
I have been told that rainbows are a symbol of hope. I suppose that is true. I have a lot of hope for things to be set right for Jim... and perhaps he does to... we saw at least 7 rainbows in two days... I am sure somewhere that is a record...
I had a conversation last night with an individual that really left me raw. It reminded me of the constant emotional turmoil that Jim had endured for so many years. He lost his mother to Lupus early into his teenage years. A crucial time to have a mother figure. The beginning of the end for a life filled with sorrow. He would be betrayed by many he loved and sit by silently biding his time. He fought a constant uphill battle to make sure the kids were taken care of in his absence from their home. He had seen so much and been through even more in his short thirty-seven years... and yet he never let it get him too down. Sure, he had his moments and his times when you could tell he was a shell of a man, but for all of that he always presented a 'happy' front... a smile on his face... eager to face what the world handed him next. There were times I could not understand the pain in his eyes and then listening to the radio this morning I heard a song I've heard for years and never really paid all that much attention to... until today... I finally got it. I understood the pain.
... Now I understand
What you tried to say, to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free:
They would not listen; they did not know how--
Perhaps they'll listen now.
For they could not love you
But still, your love was true
And when no hope was left inside
On that starry, starry night
You took your life as lovers often do--
But I could've told you, Vincent:
This world was never meant
For one as beautiful as you.
Now I think I know
What you tried to say, to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free:
They would not listen; they're not listening still--
Perhaps they never will.
Oh gosh! You poor thing! Such.............I don't know what to say, but didn't not want to comment and you think nobody was reading;)
Thanks AGWB... it's been a rough week... hopefully next week will be better...
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