Remember the post wherein I referenced how Jim and I are this random plethora of tidbits of knowledge... knowing a whole lot of everything... but not really anything about one thing specific?
Well, your tidbit of completely useless knowledge for today is that not only is it Groundhog's Day... it's the official HALF. WAY. MARK. FOR. WINTER. It's the halfway point between the Winter and Spring Equinoxes.
Can I get a collective HELL. YAH!
Because I am so over this winter already... I thought last winter was long... and physically it was because it was bitter cold with lots of snow... but this winter... this winter has been so emotionally and mentally draining that it feels like it has already been two winters worth of time... and it's only February... which probably wouldn't matter if I didn't live in the tundra (as Jim often lovingly referred to our area) where we have, as Garrison Kellor I believe once said, 9 months of winter and 3 months of bad sledding... or as the locals here say... 9 months of winter and 3 months of company.
So here's to a cloudy day on the east coast... in hopes that Punxsutawney Phil will not be scared away by his shadow... and spring will be on its way!

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